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原标题:原魏桥集团旗下滨州电厂被关停 The original title:The original weiqiao group, the power plant was shut binzhou
On July 4,,The original of the weiqiao group's binzhou industrial park is closing thermal power plant,The local government decided to dismantle the power plant after high-rise residential building。It is reported,Shut the power plant is the reason“For positive response to the country's energy consumption spirit,Finish the emissions reduction targets”。
电厂作价近7亿转让 Nearly 700 million transfer pricing power plant
June 15,,The weiqiao group, the listed company weiqiao textile announcement said,Plan to sell $698.5 million in binzhou economic development zone of asset,Mainly includes the rated capacity of 180 mw thermal power plant and other supporting assets and property land use right,The JiePan for binzhou city venture investment Co., LTD, China。
Reporters noticed that,The company said in a statement,The deal is expected to profits can be about 2.74 million yuan,Proceeds to be general operating funds for group。Compared to almost 700 million turnover,The earnings can only be called“Small profit”。
And the data shows,Binzhou industrial park in thermal power plant construction began in 2002,Always covers an area of 212 mu,Investment of 730 million yuan RMB。698.5 million yuan price obviously the more original investment still lower some。
It is reported,The weiqiao power plate profitability has been good。weiqiao《2012 annual first phase of short-term financing bonds to raise specification》shows,The thermoelectric business gross margin in 2010 and 2011 in the first nine months to 24.18% and 23.51%, respectively,Can be called on the high quality assets。
For why transfer binzhou industrial park thermal power plant,The weiqiao textile announcement said,Because in the urbanization process quickly,The competent department plan to improve urban planning。
电厂原址将建高层住宅 The power plant will be built the site of the high-rise residential
In less than 20 days by transfer,Binzhou industrial park is thermal power plant by local government shut。On July 4,,Binzhou vice mayor WangWenLu announced formally closing command。
According to《Economic herald》report,Many workers confirmed,The factory has been suspended,Only a few left-behind workers。The rest of the workers have been displaced tap to other facilities,Most of the 10 km away from this to the weiqiao outside“The new power plants”。
Binzhou industrial park has for thermal power plant, the west binzhou enterprise or business unit and provide heat supply to ensure the task nearly 10 years。In 2009 the annual enterprise tax contribution in the list of the top 200,The plant is located in the 113th。
For the fate of the future industrial binzhou thermal power plant,Local media reports said,“Will be a piece of ground in high-rise residential place,And will give the prosperous development of the development zone add a beautiful scenery”。
为环境而关停 For environment and shut
For industrial park of the thermal power plant, binzhou to shut,The local government and the explanation was the weiqiao aspects to the local environment and urban planning。
Binzhou city government to local media services through news shows,Binzhou industrial park thermal power plant always focus on energy conservation, emissions reduction and ecological and environmental protection,Energy saving new technology application、New technology and new equipment。The power plant in August 2007 in the investment of 30.5 million yuan“Calcium carbide slag limestone-gypsum wet method”Also the desulfurization system through environmental protection acceptance。
And such a“Environmental protection model student”In the closing price in my way of binzhou city environmental causes。This news release display,Binzhou industrial park thermal power plant after service,Sulfur dioxide emission reduction is expected to achieve 6226 tons/year,The nitrogen oxide emissions 2849 tons/year,Will improve urban air quality,Optimizing ecological environment,To speed up the economic development zone development and construction of binzhou function and ascension。
The reporter understands,In the shandong province development and reform commission on 5 June release《About 2012 electric power industry in shandong province backward production plan announcement》Put forward in,This year to eliminate 325500 kw in shandong province power capacity,11 companies involved in the 19 XiaoHuoDian units,Binzhou industrial park in thermal power plant is not out in the directory。
新京报记者 黄锐 尹聪
The Beijing news reporter HuangRui YinCong
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