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《宝马狂想曲》确定公映日期 预创吊丝电影新纪元--亲稳舆论引导监测室

  中新网7月9日电 全新概念喜剧电影宝马狂想曲》汇聚了陈小春、熊乃瑾、巩新亮、彭波、戎祥、李健仁、孔铭等两岸三地多位优秀演员,主打“吊丝”电影牌,将一个充满金钱欲望、职场争斗、处处见阴谋却又处处见仁爱的社会现实故事通过一系列夸张的喜剧手法表现出来,让人对故事本身欲哭欢笑,却也于细微处发人深省。据悉,该片将于7月20日全球公映,正式登陆暑期档。

Beijing on July 9-a new concept comedy film《BMW rhapsody》Gathering Chen xiao chun、XiongNaiJin、巩新亮、PengBo、RongXiang、LiJianRen、KongMing interrelations in such as several excellent actor,main“Crane silk”Movie brand,Will a full of money desire、Workplace fight、See everywhere and always see love plot but the social reality of story through a series of exaggerated comedy gimmick expression comes out,Give the story itself to cry laughter,But also in fine point thought-provoking。It is reported,The film will be July 20 global release,The summer season officially land。

  片中陈小春饰演的殡仪馆司机刘自立因意外丢失了工作,他与怕老婆的“三好男人”戎祥和“投机倒把”的彭波之间因为一辆车衍生出了一连串的恶搞事件。影片汇聚了失意青年、大龄剩女、侠义的哥、心计男、魅惑女、妻管严等各类型屌丝人物,将一个小人物为了老婆、孩子、房子辛苦打拼的故事透过喜剧的手法表现出来,虽说是处处喜剧,处处逗人,却也因 “山寨奶粉”等时下热点话题的加入更能够引发广大观众的社会共鸣。相信影片一经上映,势必将在今夏荧屏制造出一番疯狂恶搞的喜剧热潮。

In the funeral home driver liu Chen xiao chun as independent because accident lost job,His wife and fear“Three men”Rong peace“speculation”Between the PengBo because a car derivative stories out a series of events。The film has been gathering frustrated young、With older women、Chivalrous's、Deceit male、Charm female、Henpecked and so on various types prick silk characters,Will a little people in order to wife、children、The story of the house to fight hard through the technique of comedy show,Although it is a comedy everywhere,Everywhere, so,But also because “Fortress milk powder”Nowadays hot topics such as the more can lead to a broad audience to join the social resonance。Once believed that the film theaters,Certainly will will create a screen this summer just crazy comic boom。


And at the same time,Facing the《search》、《2 different》、《Big wudang》、《BiXian》And many other main star、technology、Action of domestic brand of the summer season in the FengYongErShang,《BMW rhapsody》Is another matter,To use humor depiction of real life,The technique of using exaggerated the helpless and laughter carve life,Through a BMW triggered by a series of exaggerated funny story,About in everyone's family、career、Love will meet setbacks and of joy,At the same time it will be in the life of the helpless and stuck with black humor technique real and the three-dimensional show,Like the summer a plant desire,Certainly will will be in the hot July screen into a cool and refreshing,And will create a unique genera《BMW rhapsody》The hanging silk film new era。
