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穷孩子富孩子投资方起诉汤镇宗 否认为新剧炒作--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室
recently,《The poor children rich children》Investors were critical to Sue soup town Pope,The cause is not according to Pope soup commitment to attend the 8 in shandong propaganda activities。And soup town Pope has said,This is the new play for hype。yesterday,The reporter to Beijing contact true hero of film and TV culture Co., LTD, the chairman of the board and the ZhangFei exhibitors special skill,He said,Sue soup is not for the Pope hype,But the practice of the Pope to soup company reputation and economic aspects have caused a loss。In addition,Was scheduled in jinan prosecution,Because of the procedure and evidence,Cast in Beijing is scheduled to Sue soup town Pope。
章飞一绝表示,“之前我们跟汤镇宗反复沟通,并且为了他更改了好几次节目录制时间。” 章飞一绝说,原本还要在济南泉城广场举办见面会,但因为汤镇宗爽约,也无奈取消。而经济损失,则主要是由于为了在泉城广场和该剧在济南的宣传活动,投资方花费了一百多万投放广告,只因汤镇宗一人这笔费用全部泡汤。
ZhangFei said one,“With the soup before we were repeated communication,And in order to he changed several times program recording time。” ZhangFei said one,Originally in jinan quancheng square to hold face-to-face,But because the soup town Pope fail,Also helpless cancel。While the economic loss,It is mainly due to the play in jinan quancheng square and the propaganda activities,Investors took more than one hundred on the advertising,But because the Pope a person the soup all costs fell through。
The Pope said for soup was filming because failed to catch 7 evening 10 PM plane,ZhangFei must also say the other party is lying。“Our seven days late at eleven o 'clock the assistant of the Pope told soup,If you miss the plane may take 8 an early flight,But his assistant to the town of body can't stand refused to soup。Then we also have to soup of Pope cast the verification,He in 7 at 7 o 'clock is, after shooting to leave,Can't take sport because by machine。”
Reporter yesterday to the soup and the Pope himself and verification。For the exhibitors accused him of 7, but not by the late was filming the missed the flight,He said:“This can be cast for proof,7 8 I has a chance,Not because I let the whole crew were stopped。And from beginning to end,They also didn't tell me I communicating,I don't have a commitment to come,Just says as far as possible to catch。”For one ZhangFei“accused”,Soup town feel not understand the Pope,And said he also can provide evidence to card innocence。
记者 张金菊
Reporter ZhangJinJu
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