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演唱会电影成票房黑马 五月天已试水发展被看衰--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室
The beautiful stage effect、Luxuriant set、Unexpected wonderful link...These let a person too many things to see the wonderful elements become fans chase the biggest stars concert power。And when all these wonderful directly copied to the big screen above,Will also fascinating?
In the last week of the north American box office charts,By Katie perry north American tour of the film adaptation《Part of my》Be a dark horse。The first $7.15 million weekend box office with Hollywood although not fire in the revenue,But also enough to make the movie becomes the market on concert a circle money new recruit。
演唱会改电影 歌星掘金新手段 Concert movie star to new nuggets means
早在1984年,著名导演乔纳森·黛米就将爱尔兰乐队传声头像(Talking Heads)的同名专辑试唱会《别假正经》的全程进行了实拍并搬上大银幕。尽管当年只有7家电影院愿意接纳这部影片,但在狂热乐迷的支持下,该片竟取得了509万美元的票房。
As early as in 1984,The famous director Jonathan · demi will Irish band sound transmission portraits(Talking Heads)Album of the same name will demo《Don't prude》Of course the proxy and onto the big screen。Although the only seven cinemas are willing to accept the film,But the support of the fans in a frenzy,The film was made $5.09 million at the box office。
Small NiuDao success sparked more interest,U2、Madonna、super-boy、The prince and other star and groups also have his own concert onto the big screen。
By 2008,Concert film appeared for the first time a blowout。This year,U2 and youth idols MaiLi · Cyrus launched his own 3 D concert movie,The concert will be the most popular in recent years and the 3 D form combined,Realize the box of harvest。
Among them,MaiLi · Cyrus's concert film cost only $5 million,But in North America got $65.28 million of high box office,3 D concert movie realize the first big sell。Since then,Jonas three brothers、Justin · than "stars such as 3 D concert movie,All the box office of realized a bumper crop,Concert movie has become a new means of the star the nuggets。
成本低 票房盈利超演唱会本身 Low cost box office earnings super concert itself
Concert film of the low cost,Subsequent sales was also a sustainable,This let more and more attention to the field singers。In recent years popular with the 3 D concert movie, for example,The main cost only spend in 3 D scene shooting and late on the clip,More than $10 million is large production。
据权威音乐网站公告牌(Billboard)的统计,2011年U2乐队和接招合唱团(Take That)在自己的全球巡演中均取得了2亿美元以上的收入。不过,平均到每一场演出只有不到1000万美元。然而,一部演唱会电影就能取得上千万美元的票房。
According to authority music web bulletin board(Billboard)statistics,U2 and pick up in 2011 for the choir(Take That)In their global tour has obtained the income of more than us $200 million。but,Average to each a show less than $10 million。however,A concert film can achieve a millions of dollars of box office。
In addition,Concert film in the subsequent sales of persistent and enormous advantage。According to the statistics,2009 years after the death of Michael Jackson on the concert movie《Is such》,Global box office as much as $261 million。Home video market,The film also made a $76 million results。Total revenues of $337 million,makes《Is such》More than in any a singer of the concert total box office。
中国情况 China
五月天已试水 后续发展被看衰 Mayday already try water subsequent development be see failure
Compared with Europe and the vigorous development of the concert film industry,Up to present,China had only one a mayday《Endeavor 3 DNA》came,And $30 million at the box office with Europe and also the concert film ahead。
but,When we talk about the subsequent development,The domestic industry insiders are not valued。Even a mayday agent had said,Concert movie making up a great deal of difficulty。
There are many senior film the issuer to reporters said,Now the performance of the domestic environment is not too good,The development of the concert film is difficult to obtain high enough。In addition,Domestic powerful singer shortage,Concert film production will face no one see dilemma。
海外连线 Overseas attachment
像快餐食品 地域性强保质期短 Like fast food strong regional short shelf life
“Concert film is a hammer business,It is the type of documentary walk。And compared with other documentary,The efficiency of the it more strong,More short shelf life。”When we talk about the concert movie,Katy perry, belong to the record company public relations staff Nick frye, RON said。
Compared with many star on the concert film the prospects of the common good,Katie perry has participated in the operation of the movie is not that Nick frenzy。For him, the,Concert film is more like a regional strong fast food,Convenient and quick but not too many nutrition。
Legal evening news(Hereinafter referred to as the FW):In the operation of the concert movie,What are the limitations and weaknesses?
Nick:To be frank,The limitation of the concert film and regional are strong,This is by its content and the audience to decide。This kind of movie will only produce strong in the fan's appeal,And only in that red fire area of the images。Most of the time,Concert film must grounding gas,Difficult to export。
FW:The concert and concert film is what kind of relationship between?Each other a what kind of impact?
Nick:Both have complementary role,If the audience through the movie feel the charm of the concert,Help to improve the concert box office。But this is a double-edged sword,In 2009 the jonas brothers concert film of three not ready,The accursed concert tour at the box office。
so,Now many star on the concert film do,Would be more effort。
FW:so,The cost of the movie is now concert added more than before?
Nick:Have certain increase,But by far from general movie so big,The cost of more than $10 million is a huge sum of money。
The Katie perry's concert film to join a lot of the concert plot elements,So the cost has increased,But is still in control of $12 million。
FW:More and more of the concert began to 3 D movie made,But many people think,Concert film 3 D effect than ordinary 3 D movies to impress。Why do you choose will concert film“The 3 D”??
尼克:首先,3D电影是电影发展的趋势。此外,票价也是一个很大的因素。在美国,3D电影票价要比2D电影高30%。但对于粉丝来说,电影票比演唱会票要便宜很多,因此这30%的价差粉丝们并没有太在意。本版文/记者 许思鉴
Nick:first,3 D movie is the trend of the development of the movie。In addition,Ticket prices is a big factor。In the United States,3 D movie tickets to 30% higher than a 2 D movie。But for fans to,The movie tickets are much cheaper than concert tickets,So the 30% of the price and not too concerned about fans。This article/reporter XuSiJian
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