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  著名音乐人谷峰近日亮相深圳卫视创意团队节目《The Sing-off清唱团》,与韦唯等人共同组成了强大的评委阵容,延续他在金钟奖上的麻辣犀利,以评委身份亮相的谷峰直接呛声现场媒体,大呼“我唱的不是口技”,参加《The Sing-off清唱团》的目的除了要推动这种音乐形式外,还要摘掉“口技很好”的帽子。

Famous musicians at shenzhen TV very humorous recently creative team shows《The Sing-off QingChang group》,Wei wei together with such as into a powerful lineup of judges,Continue on the golden bell awards in a spicy sharp,The judges to appear very humorous identity live media directly choke sound,Big call“I sing is not the vocals”,to《The Sing-off QingChang group》In addition to the purpose of promoting the music form outside,Will take off“Vocals is very good”hat。

  说起“清唱”,许多人只知道是不用伴奏,但《The Sing-off清唱团》到底会给观众什么样的惊喜呢?谷峰是国内最早接触现代“清唱”的音乐元老之一,他可以游刃有余的控制声线,惟妙惟肖模仿二胡、架子鼓和其他打击乐器,而这正是现代“清唱”最大的特点。就是用人声表现包括电子乐队在内的所有演唱要素。也正是嗓子的无所不能,这成了他被认为“口技很好”的最大原因。“清唱”的最大魅力源自对声音的完美掌控,通俗说法即是用嘴来模仿各种声音、声部、乐器,乐团的成员要经过长时间的训练与磨合,才能随意控制发声,使和声达到最美的效果。

Speaking of“QingChang”,Many people only know is not accompaniment,but《The Sing-off QingChang group》What will give the audience what kind of surprise?Gu feng is one of the first contact with the modern“QingChang”One of the elders of the music,He can swim blade enough to spare control voice,Lifelike imitate the erhu、Frame beat and other percussion instruments,And this is modern“QingChang”The biggest characteristics。The performance is sound, including electronic band singing all elements。It is also his throat is omnipotent,This became his is considered“Vocals is very good”The biggest cause of。“QingChang”From the biggest charm of sound perfect control,That is popular with the mouth is to imitate sounds、voice、instruments,The members of the band to after a long time of training and bond,To control as voice,To achieve the effect of the harmony。

  作为《The Sing-off清唱团》的评委,谷峰被称为是中国最优秀的爵士歌手和打击乐手,同时还拥有自己的清唱团队,对于“清唱”这种音乐形式自然是相当熟稔,却难免会被大众认为是个“口技出众的家伙”,这让他相当烦恼。谷峰解释说:“清唱和口技无关,我唱的不是口技。担任《The Sing-off清唱团》的评委无非是有两个目的:其一,更多人分享清唱音乐的魅力,并且推广这种音乐形式,这是参加节目最大的动力;其二,一定要摘掉口技很好的帽子。”

as《The Sing-off QingChang group》The judges of the,Gu feng is called to be China's best jazz singer and the fight against musicians,Also have their own QingChang team,for“QingChang”This music form natural is quite familiar,But hard to avoid can be considered a public“Launched outstanding guy”,This made him quite a trouble。Very humorous explained:“QingChang and vocals have nothing to do,I sing is not the vocals。as《The Sing-off QingChang group》The judges is nothing but has two purposes:one,More people share QingChang music charm,And to promote this music form,This is to show the biggest power;The second,Must take off the vocals good hat。”


This year is the ninth year of the draft,The same type programs may confuse the flood audience audio-visual focus。In the era of entertainment,Reality shows more should not ignore music itself。“We can to die in pursuit of the music while on the road,And not the bumbling drowned in the entertainment swamp。”The judges said very humorous。

  深圳卫视暑期档重磅打造的《The Sing-off清唱团》是全国首档主打全人声无伴奏音乐创意团队秀,只通过人声来制造旋律和节奏,达到令人叹为观止的惊艳效果。节目中除开主唱的动听之外,还可以听到完美的和声,一个嗓子同时发出六个声音的b-box,声音低到难以置信的人声贝斯,还有团队舞蹈以及舞台表现力,还有不同歌曲的改编和重新诠释,这一切都让人忍不住惊呼:音乐,还可以这么玩!谷峰表示,《The Sing-off清唱团》是近年来难得音乐创意节目,“清唱”这种形式充分体现每个团队的特色,让演唱彻底“玩”起来。在接受采访时,谷峰还称,《The Sing-off清唱团》注重的是团队演唱和表演的整体编排,至于选手们的外貌和装扮并不在他的评分标准之内,“只要贴合表演内容即可”。

Shenzhen TV the summer season of heavy build《The Sing-off QingChang group》The first is the main file no instruments music creative voices all team show,Only through the human to make melody and rhythm,To achieve the breathtaking jing is colourful effect。In the establishment of the hit show except outside,Can hear the perfect harmony,A voice also issued six sound b-box,Low voice to the incredible human beth,And dance team and expressive stage,There are different songs and a new explanation of adaptation,All this let a person cannot help exclaimed:music,Also can be so play!Gu feng said,《The Sing-off QingChang group》In recent years is a rare music creative programs,“QingChang”This form fully embody the characteristics of each team,Let singing thoroughly“play”up。In an interview,Gu feng says,《The Sing-off QingChang group》Attention is paid to the singing and performance of the team the whole layout,As for the players appearance and dress up not in his score within standard,“As long as the joint performance content can”。

  据悉,《The Sing-off清唱团》将从亚洲范围内筛选出16支清唱队伍并分成A、B两组。通过前四期的晋级比拼,诞生八强。接下来这八支队伍将通过每周淘汰赛直至产生三强进入决赛。从7月7日起,《The Sing-off清唱团》将于每周六22:30在深圳卫视播出。

It is reported,《The Sing-off QingChang group》Will range from Asia 16 teams were QingChang team and into A、B two groups。Through the first four of the competition of promotion,Was born in the last eight。The following eight teams will produce three a week until the knockout stages to the final。From July 7 up,《The Sing-off QingChang group》In every Saturday 22:30 in shenzhen TV broadcast。
