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花儿朵朵90后选手遭吐槽 网友:现场表现弱爆了--亲稳网络舆情监控室
中新网7月10日电 上周五晚,青海卫视2012花儿朵朵全国总决赛举行,13把个性好声音新鲜发声直击心灵,其中,备受外界关注的“爵士名伶”肖小丹将一首70年代美国电影主题歌《Love Story》演绎得超凡脱俗,高品质声音魅力惊艳全场。在这个90后云集的大舞台,80后的肖小丹是“人老心不老”的典型代表,有着不可比拟的成熟与优雅气质,对于音乐的理解较之这群“小孩子”更为通透深刻,她的演绎足以证明80后并未老去,她的歌声在时代洪流里翻涌,让那些濒临灭迹的真诚音乐再次浮现于世。
Beijing July 10 (Reuters) on Friday night,Qinghai TV 2012 flowers were blossoming held the national finals,13 the good personality sound fresh voice sings to heart,Among them,Much of the outside world attention“Jazz MingLing”Shaw XiaoDan will a 70 s American movie themes《Love Story》Deduced transcendent,High quality sound appeal jing is full。In this 90 collection of the big stage,After 80 XiaoDan shaw is“People old heart not old”Typical representative of the,Has incomparable to mature and elegant temperament,Music for the understanding of this group of than“children”More fully deep,She is proof enough after the deduction of 80 did not old,Her singing in The Times in the flow of surge,Let those who is on the verge of sincere music emerge again extermination in the world。
比赛当晚,赛前在网络上大热的花儿90后怪咖选手无一例外的出现集体发挥失常,走音、紧张、忘词等状况频出;首发上场的“叛逆玫瑰” 邝诗荷被导演组寄予厚望,不料LIVE吉它弹唱秀不温不火,当场遭遇评委丁薇质疑“伪摇滚”;而另一名种子选手“谐星唱将”杨小艺表现也好不到哪里去,整个演唱过程一直处于游离状态,网友一边观看直播一边在线吐槽,“今年花儿朵朵这些90后选手真是弱爆了,现场表现如此不堪一击,今年花儿我们还能听什么?”
On the evening of the,In the network before the big heat flowers after 90 for geeks player without exception appear collective misfired,Off key、nervous、Forget the word and so on the condition PinChu;Starter for the“Rebellious rose” Kuang poem by DaoYanZu was expected to do that,But her show LIVE guitar not lukewarm not fire,In DingWei questioned the judges on the spot“Pseudo rock”;And another top seeds“Comedian sing will”YangXiaoYi performance are not good,The whole process has been in singing the free state,Net friend watch live side online vomit slots,“Flowers were blossoming these 90 this year after blasting a player is weak,The performance so vulnerable,This year we can listen to flowers???????”
第一轮演唱临近结束,肖小丹的出现彻底改变了花儿首场总决赛上无唱将的尴尬局面,独特迷幻的嗓音、随性自然的肢体摆动、慵懒的眼神瞬间融化了每一位网络上和电视机前收看花儿朵朵的观众。将一首世界名曲《Love Story》唱进了人心坎里,赋予了这首经典电影主题曲新的生命力。“笑得没心没肺、形象精心搭配、唱得雍容华贵、挺你无怨无悔” 评委吴娈毫不吝啬对这位爱将的赞美和欣赏。
The first round of singing close,XiaoDan shaw appear thoroughly changed the flowers first no sing the finals will be awkward situation,Unique of psychedelic voice、Along with the gender natural body swinging、The look in the eyes of the lazy melted moment every network and the television watching flowers were blossoming audience。Will a world famous《Love Story》Sing into the people in my heart,Given this first classic movies) new vitality。“Laughs MeiXinMeiFei、Image elaborate collocation、Sings and elegant、Quite without you” The judges even to the wu none miserly love will praise and enjoy。
Main jazz and nostalgic shaw XiaoDan in this year of flowers stage d-will let a person do not consciously lenovo to the last stage of the ShenPo HuangXi flowers on the page,Her appearance that shocked the whole market 2011 draft,Will the jazz music's extended to small the mainstream draft stage;Since ancient times the Yangtze river waves behind,Shaw XiaoDan is HuangXi bud,Comprehensive up to neck,And appearance and temperament more suitable for the business of music market gradually,Her voice the bel canto、national、Popular three singing package for soil,this“cross-border”And the way outwardly breakthrough in both Chinese and English,The memory of the eternal world famous deduce by her Chinese nostalgic taste。Netizens to sigh a way“If go up to absorb more of the modernist style things,Free unassisted,Maybe she is 2012 flowers were blossoming, founder of the new generation made sent days later。”
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