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深圳卫视《清唱团》首秀 黄伟文调侃选手缓解气氛--亲稳网络舆情监控室

  上周六晚深圳卫视创意选秀节目《The Sing-off清唱团》燃起了全民“清唱”的激情,在当天参赛的8至队伍中,山麻雀组合与壮声组合成为最先晋级的两支队伍;新声驾到、Hey Boy、麦克疯以及ET组合也因为在第二轮的惊艳表现也进军本期6强。评委之一的黄伟文自嘲是节目的“观众”,让现场“剑拔弩张”的比赛氛围缓解了不少;用美食和服装来形容每一组选手的表现,也成就了现场的不少金银句。

Last Saturday night shenzhen TV creative reality shows《The Sing-off QingChang group》With the“QingChang”passion,On the day of the 8 to the team,The mountain combination and strong voice became the first to the promotion of combination of two teams;New on baby、Hey Boy、Mike crazy and ET combination also because in the second leg of the jing is colourful performance also tap into this issue 6 strong。One of the judges at the HuangWeiWen is the program“audience”,Let the“blows”Game atmosphere ease many;With food and clothing to describe each group's performance,Achievement is also the scene of a lot of gold and silver words。


黄伟文请山麻雀“进去吧” HuangWeiWen please mountain sparrow“Go in”

  《The Sing-off清唱团》本期参赛的8组选手中,山麻雀组合不管是从外形还是音乐风格来看,都是最引人注意的。来自香格里拉的清一色娘子军,有3位已经是妈妈级的选手了,为了排练参加节目选手,她们已经很久没有见到过自己的孩子。在主持人的引导下,一位妈妈代表通过电视镜头向家人表达思念,感动现场众多观众。一首民族风浓郁的山歌,也让现场评委听得如痴如醉。

《The Sing-off QingChang group》In this issue of the group of eight players,No matter from the mountain combination shape or music style and see,Is the most eye-catching。All of the women's detachment from the shangri-la,Three is a mon player,In order to rehearse for program player,They haven't seen children of his own。Under the guidance of the host,A mother representatives to express through television lens family thoughts,Moved by a large audience site。A national wind rich folk songs,Also let the judges heard out。

  同样是少数民族的韦唯对山麻雀的演唱感同身受:“你们的演出让我想到小时候,第一次听山歌的感觉,很感动,谢谢你们。”时尚词人黄伟文评委则从潮流的角度解析她们的表现:“山麻雀的表现很棒,就好像整天在想选什么衣服去一个很时尚的派对,最后再爷爷的旧衣服里面找到了一件最好最漂亮的,原本有些很好的东西,已经在我家。”最终黄伟文先生一句“进去吧”,使得山麻雀成为《The Sing-off清唱团》当晚率先晋级的组合之一。

The same is minority to the mountain of the sparrow sang wei wei empathy:“Your performance reminded me of when I was a child,The first time I listened to the feeling of the folk song,Very touched,Thank you。”Fashion HuangWeiWen ci, from the point of view of the trend analysis of their performance:“The performance of the mountain the sparrow is great,As in all day to choose what clothes to a very fashionable party,Finally to grandpa's old clothes inside found a the best and most beautiful,Had some very good thing,Have in my house。”Mr. HuangWeiWen eventually 1“Go in”,Make the mountains become《The Sing-off QingChang group》That night the promotion of one of the combination。


韦唯将Hey Boy比作天王杰克逊 Hey Boy wei wei will compared to heavenly king Jackson

  与山麻雀组合的纯民族风不同,来自湖南的Hey Boy组合是个奇妙的混搭体。造型国际范儿、曲风民族范,表现形式本土化、现场冲击力却不亚于任何国际巨星。难怪谭伊哲评委会情不自禁的“责难”Hey Boy:“他们给了我一个视觉听觉完全不同,他们刚一出场是逆光,只看头型和造型,不知道会把我们带去哪里。但是他们有国际水准,我现在晕了,尤其是主唱,声音和脑门一样亮!”韦唯对于Hey Boy的表现也是一脸惊艳:“简直让我目瞪口呆,他们身体的节奏跟演唱的节奏完全不一样,但是却非常协调,这种素质我只在迈克尔杰克逊身上看到过。”

And the combination of the pure mountain national wind different,Hey Boy from hunan combination is a wonderful mix build body。Modelling international stylish rider、Style national van,Form localization、The impact is no less than any international star。No wonder the tan zhe Iraq can't help“blame”Hey Boy:“They gave me a visual and audio completely different,They have just made a backlight,Just look at the first type and modelling,Don't know can carry us to places we。But they have the international level,I now dizzy,Especially the lead singer,Sound and forehead as bright!”Hey Boy wei wei for performance is also a face of awe:“Just let me dumbfounded,The rhythm of their body with the rhythm of the singing completely different,But very harmonious,This quality I only in the Michael Jackson body seen。”

  黄伟文评委则从另一个方面点评Hey Boy的表现:“你们的音乐就好像是少林武僧,很会打的那一种,我听完你们的歌曲就很想打功夫。”这也从另外一个侧面表现出这个组合极强的音乐穿透力和现场表现力。

HuangWeiWen judges is from another respect comment on the performance of the Hey Boy:“Your music is like shaolin monks,Is that a dozen,I finish listen to your songs very want to play kung fu。”This also from another side show the combination of strong penetrating power and the expressive music。

  除此之外,新声驾到和麦克疯也是让评委欣喜不已的组合,前者的超重低音令现场的观众尖叫连连,谭伊哲评委更是感动到“想要为这个组合量身打造一部青春偶像歌舞剧。”黄伟文也连连称赞新声驾到的表现“让我有一种好兄弟的感觉,很温暖,很难得。” 麦克疯则是现场频频被评委惊呼“专业”的组合,韦唯称“椅子快要下来了,特别欣赏你们的鼓,就好像他身上真的有一面鼓,特别有煽动性,很专业。”黄伟文则笑称:“你们的动作很危险。”

In addition,New on baby and mike crazy also is to let the judges glad unceasingly combination,The former of overweight bass make the scene audience screaming repeatedly,Tan zhe Iraq is moved to the judges“Want to customise the combination of a youth musical idols。”HuangWeiWen also repeatedly praised the performance of the new on baby“Let me have a good brother feeling,Very warm,Very rare。” Mike crazy is the scene was frequently judges exclaimed“professional”combination,Wei wei says“The chair is about to come down,Appreciate your drum,Like him there really is a drum,Special motivates,Very professional。”HuangWeiWen is smile says:“Your action is dangerous。”

  上周六,深圳卫视《The Sing-off清唱团》产生了一场比赛的6强选手,壮声和山麻雀组合首轮率先晋级,在第二轮的比拼中,小清新的新声驾到、麦克疯、极具感染力的Hey boy和以及“外星来客”ET脱颖而出,本周六7月14日晚22:30,同样有8支队伍将向晋级名额发起冲击,精彩不容错过。

On Saturday,Shenzhen TV《The Sing-off QingChang group》Produced a game 6 strong player,Strong voice and the first round of the combination takes the lead in a promotion,In the second round of the competition,Small and pure and fresh new on baby、Mike crazy、Beamed Hey boy and as well“Alien visitors”ET stand out,On Saturday, July 14 late 22:30,Also have eight teams to route into an impact,Wonderful nots allow to miss。
