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比伯高中毕业恶搞典礼 怕发型乱戴悬空学位帽(图)--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

  18岁的贾斯汀·比伯高中毕业了!上周四晚,他在没有亲自到场的情况下,和其他192名同学一起,从所就读的加拿大圣迈克尔天主教高中(St. Michael CatholicSecondarySchool)毕业,获得了高中毕业证书。但是,这一纸高中文凭,远不能鉴定这位年轻的超级偶像到目前为止的人生———他的唱片销量居公告牌榜首,MV点击率动辄上亿,YouTube点击率超过20亿,他是《People》杂志评出的“好莱坞最富有的年轻人”,甚至被形容为“可能是继M J之后最红的少年歌唱巨星”……这些都是他的漂亮成绩单。我们不妨给比伯来一场更全面的纸上毕业典礼,梳理一下他这个不平凡的18岁。

18 years old Justin · than "graduated from high school!On Thursday night,He didn't personally present in the case,And 192 other classmates,From the study of Canadian holy Michael Catholic high school(St. Michael CatholicSecondarySchool)graduation,Get high school certificate。but,This paper a high school diploma,Far cannot identify the young super idol so far life--his albums in the bulletin board,MV hits frequently hundreds of millions,YouTube has more than 2 billion,He is《people》Magazines top“Hollywood's most wealthy young men”,Even was described as“May is the M J the most red after young singing star”......These are the beauty of his report card。We might as well give than "to a more comprehensive paper graduation ceremony,Comb his this extraordinary 18 years old。


毕业证书A面 Graduation certificate face A


高中:远程上课,私塾教育,“在学校上课会打瞌睡” High school:Remote class,Private education,“In the school will be falling asleep”

  圣迈克尔高中位于比伯的故乡、加拿大安大略省的斯特拉特福德,然而,13岁时以翻唱视频在Y ouT ube上一举走红的贾斯汀·比伯,出道后就来到了美国亚特兰大发展———他的整个高中阶段都是在无休无止的灌录唱片和世界巡演中度过的,所以,高中的全部课程,比伯几乎都是通过远程教育完成的。按规定,圣迈克尔高中包含16门必修课,学生必须修满30个学分才能毕业。校方没有透露比伯是如何通过远程教育修满学分的。校长蒂姆·道尔蒂说:“我们对于贾斯汀和其他192名毕业生都感到非常骄傲,不过我们无权透露他们的个人信息。”

St Michael high school is located in the hometown of than "、The Stratford, Ontario, Canada,however,At the age of 13 to cover video in Y ouT ube on every popular Justin · than ",After his debut came to Atlanta development--his whole high school is in of the rat record record and the world tour dates,so,High school of all the lessons,He is almost than through distance education work。According to the regulations,St Michael high school contains 16 required course,Students must take full 30 credits to graduate。The school did not disclose how than "through distance education builds full credit。The principal Tim Doyle's said:“We for Justin and 192 other graduates feel very proud,But we have no right to reveal their personal information。”


In Britain than "once《The guardian》In an interview revealed his study way--he has his own family teacher,Spent in study time is three hours,Sometimes in order to visit,He can only in the turbulence in the van study,He said:“I think this is very good。I'm in the school will be falling asleep,will,So one way is best for me。”

  比伯的文化水平一度遭到一些外国媒体的诟病。一次,他在新西兰接受电视访问,主持人问,“比伯”在德语(G erm an)中是不是“篮球”的意思?“G erm an?”比伯不明就里,“我不懂这是什么意思。”主持人便把“G erm an”这个单词写在卡片上给他看,比伯依然一头雾水,“我不懂这是什么意思,在美国我们不这么说。”《赫芬顿邮报》因此讥笑他:“B宝居然不知道这个单词的存在!难道他不能挤一点儿时间来学习一下‘G erm an’是什么意思吗?”尽管比伯事后解释,他之所以没听懂这个单词是因为对方的新西兰口音听起来像是“Jew m an”,但没有解释自己为何看不懂这个单词。比伯的经纪人则在他作出这番解释时,在一旁替他打圆场:“他是在开玩笑。”

The cultural level of the once than "by some foreign media reviled。a,He told a television visit in New Zealand,The host asks,“Than"”In German(G erm an)is“basketball”mean?“G erm an?”Than "uninformed,“I don't know what is the meaning of this。”The host gave“G erm an”The words written on CARDS for him to see,Than "still baffled,“I don't know what is the meaning of this,In the us we don't say so。”《Hector fenton reaction post》So laugh at him:“B treasure incredibly don't know the existence of this word!Is he can't squeeze a little time to learn it‘G erm an’What that means?”Although later than "explanation,That he didn't understand this word because the other New Zealand accent sounds like“Jew m an”,But did not explain why you can't understand this word。The agent of than "is made in he explained this,On the side for his dozen circle field:“He was joking。”


And a,Than "in《David late night show》With David LaiTeMan talk,Mentioned that I have to tour around the world in all continents。LaiTeMan asked:“Several continents in the world?”Number than "word:“Asia......North America......South America......Well......Africa......The arctic and Antarctica。”LaiTeMan said“good,Besides two!You have mentioned the hardest that a few。”Than "wanted to think,said:“Canada。”This makes the media to him“private”Type education again to millions of people,“Than "black”This will also take the great relish:“He proved himself why can become a pop singer,Because he is not smart enough,Can't do other。”


毕业:没去毕业典礼,却有个恶搞版毕业典礼 graduation:Didn't go to graduation ceremony,But there is a kuso version of the graduation ceremony

  是的,年少成名的比伯拥有数以百万计的“比伯黑”,只要他出现哪怕一点差池,都会给黑们落下口实。不过比起他数以千万计的粉丝人数,黑们只能算小巫见大巫。相比于一次知识上的谬误给黑们带来的快乐,比伯的一次毕业则能令粉丝们收获成倍的欢欣鼓舞。在毕业花名册上,与他名字相邻的同学都觉得与有荣焉,大呼“好酷!”鉴于他7年级时的班级年鉴曾在E B ay上卖出了3500美元的高价,可以预见,他的高中毕业花名册今后会更加抢手。与此同时,虽然他没有亲自参加毕业典礼,却有电视节目《艾伦脱口秀》专门为他模拟了一场毕业典礼,专门!节目邀请了诸多粉丝围观,场面比真实的毕业典礼还要火爆!

yes,The job has become famous young than millions of“Than "black”,As long as he appears a little mistakes,Will the excuse to black fall。But with hundreds of millions of fans toll,The black is only a fraction。Compared to a knowledge of the error on the black to bring happiness,A graduate of than "is to be able to make the fans reap a multiple jump for joy。In the roster on graduation,And his name the students feel and adjacent a splendid,Big call“cool!”Given his 7 grade class yearbook was in E B ay on sell for $3500,Can foresee,He graduated from high school in the future the roster will be more popular。At the same time,Although he didn't personally graduation ceremony,But TV program《Alan talk show》Designed for he mimicked a graduation ceremony,special!Program invited many fans gathered,The graduation ceremony than real scene and hot!


In simulation of the graduation ceremony,Host Alan President played attitude,He put on the degree than the robe,In order not to destroy his signature style,Alan for he put on a top special impending degree cap。A than "a bit not used to start,Keep pulling hem robe,“I feel like a skirt......”Sit up the crowd of fans in addition to outside,And several heavyweight GuanLiTuan members:Than the"


毕业证书B面 Graduation certificate B surface


名利:巨额财富,无尽奖项, Fame and wealth:Vast wealth,Endless awards,


“特立独行的风险投资家” “Eccentric venture capitalists”

  学业之外,贾斯汀·比伯有着更广阔的疆土。尽管他只有18岁,脸上稚气未脱,但他在校外已经取得了可圈可点的好成绩———迄今,他已获得了2座MT V音乐录像带大奖、8座公告牌(Billboard)奖杯、5座欧洲M T V音乐奖杯、4座全美音乐大奖,以及第53届格莱美奖最佳新人和最佳流行专辑在内的多项提名。他在T w itter拥有2100万追随者,在F acebook拥有4300万关注,这个数字甚至超过奥巴马总统和他的竞选对手米特·罗姆尼的总和。

Outside school,Justin · than "has a more vast territory。Although he was 18 years old,Face neotenous,But he has made moments outside the good grades--so far,He has won two music video awards a MT V、8 a bulletin board(Billboard)trophy、Five European M T V music trophy、The four music awards,And 53 th annual grammy awards best new artist and best pop album, among many nomination。He in T w itter has 21 million followers,In the F acebook has 43 million attention,This number even more than barack Obama President and his presidential rival mitt romney combined。

  伴随盛名而来的是巨大的财富。今年6月,比伯以“福布斯全球百位巨星排行榜”第三名的身份,登上《福布斯》杂志封面。据截至5月的数据统计显示,比伯出道以来已经卖出了1500万张专辑,在24个国家进行了157场巡演,仅巡演一项就连本带利赚取了1.5亿美元。他的传记电影在上映的首个周末就吸金3000万美元,总票房高达1亿!他于去年6月发行的个人品牌香水,面市半年就卖了6000万美元。在过去一年里,他总共赚了5500万美元的财富;而在过去两年中,他赚了1.8亿美元。(来源:南方都市报 南都网)

With the famous is great wealth。In June this year,Than "to“Forbes global one hundred list of a superstar”The identity of the third,on《Forbes》Magazine covers。According to as of may data statistics show,Since his debut than "has already sold 15 million albums,In 24 countries in 157 tour,Only the tour a even with interest the earned $150 million。His biography movies are showing the first weekend of the suction gold $30 million,Total box office as high as 100 million!His last year in June issue of personal brand perfume,Listed half year sold for $60 million。In the past year,He has earned $55 million of wealth;In the past two years,He made $180 million。(source:The southern metropolis daily SMW nets)

  而小小年纪的比伯居然已经懂得投资:早在15岁时,他就在经纪人斯考特的建议下,向一批尚未上市的科技公司投资了数百万美元,这些科技公司大多经营的都是社交网络,这对于在Y ouT ube成名的比伯来说格外有亲切感,“我不愿意投资我不喜欢的东西。”比伯透露,他每周都会和经纪人以及律师谈话,“学习关于我的生意以及职业发展所需要的知识,每周我都有新收获。”斯考特说:“很多歌手都曾推出自己的产品,服装、鞋子、香水等,比伯也应该能够获利。十几岁的学生不能买酒,也没钱去买150美元一双的鞋子,他们能随意消费的就是在社交网络上的热情。”斯考特透露,风投总额占比伯净资产的2%-5%,未来还将继续搜寻新的投资项目,“如果我们决定投资,并把他的名字加在上面,他的品牌、喜好和社交网络上的号召力就会起作用,然后我们就会确定一个合适的回报价格。”斯考特坚信,比伯“将成为一位特立独行的风险投资家”。

And a little older than "incredibly have learned that investment:As early as in 15 years old when,He is in the agent Scott's suggestion,To a number of technology companies have not yet listed investment millions of dollars,Most of these technology company business is social networking,This for stardom in Y ouT ube than "all for kindness,“I don't want to investment things I don't like。”Than "revealed,He every week and agents and lawyers to talk,“Learn about my business and professional development need knowledge,Every week I have new harvest。”Scott said:“Many singers have released their own products,clothing、shoes、perfume,Than "should also be able to profit。Teenage students can't buy wine,Don't have money to buy $150 a pair of shoes,They can optional consumption is in the enthusiasm on social networks。”Scott said,Wind cast accounted for about 2% of the net assets than "5%,The future will continue the search for new investment projects,“If we decide to investment,And his name and on it,His brand、Be fond of and social network's appeal will work,And then we will determine an appropriate price returns。”Scott believe,Than"“Will become a maverick venture capitalists”。


At the same time,He also do than charity。Last year,He is a primary school in Las Vegas contributed us $100000 worth of gifts,And donated a pair of signature edition purple Nike running shoes,To his former Alma mater of teaching equipment purchase;end,He donated 500000 dollars to generous Toronto children's hope fund。


His family and friends quite generous-march he had 18 years old birthday,Not only in Beverly hills estate to buy a $10.8 million mansion,Technically still in Los Angeles bought the other building a person of extraordinary powers curtilage for her。Last year he bought a convertible sports car,To the best of his childhood friend。


18岁后,向左走,向右走? After 18 years of age,Take the left,Right away?


High school have graduated,But Justin · than "did not give his plans for the future。To the world of adults,Than "to be?Might as well to a guess。


猜想 guess


1 1


根本不考虑大学,全心全意好好唱歌 Don't consider university,Just because someone doesn't sing well


可能性:75%榜样:布兰妮 possibility:An example 75%:Britney spears


From the previous interview than "see,He read this thing to do not say to go up how interested-- for example,Talking about their high school,he《Daily telegraph》said:“In the school to do a lot of homework,I don't really like that way of life。This and singing a record life completely different,compared,I still prefer life outside the school。Graduated now,I finally free to some!”So it seems,Than "of university life should not have too much yearning。In addition,Than all the "so closely that even high school can schedule to the fact that in class to see,He also is unlikely to have time to further my study。


猜想2 Guess 2


边学边唱,学好唱好 Edge learn singing,Learn to sing good


可能性:25% possibility:25%


榜样:艾玛·沃特森 example:Emma Watson


Since high school to insist on down,University insist again a few years and how?besides,For some background in the university child stars for star,Also is a kind of aura,Such as Natalie portman、Emma Watson, and so on。Assume that,Apply for a job than read university,At the same time continue to conduct the music business,Maybe the college life will lead to more change for the better?On the other hand,No matter than "read not going to college,Most of his adult life in music and image on a certain level of transformation。


Alan equally well began to speak:“Today is a very important day,The cornmeal beans wrapped in the school dining-room sell only a dollar......Do not say first this,Today we celebrate than "graduated from high school!”“Today you are a high school graduates,You can be finished in a short time for a lot of things,You have only 18 years old,But already an international star,And I was 18 when the biggest achievement in pancakes the house is broken a bottle of syrup。”“Since you graduate will live on your own......,You need to have a strong character,Should also have a business sense,and,You must be the pants brought......”Before Alan finish,Justin he robs a microphone acceptance speech published:“I want to thank my sponsors,A tyre company,Some snacks company,And a perfume company,A pencil company......”then,Alan than "to the issue“Graduation certificate”,Than "exclamation:“Good formal!”then,He in the screams of fans rushed to step down,Oneself of the degree to which cap a female fans wear,And then leave,Leave the fans cherishing......

  不过,对于自己的现实版毕业,比伯却相当低调,也没在T w itter上透露自己毕业的心情,只是在两个月前他接受英国《每日电讯报》采访时提了一嘴关于毕业的感受:“(完成高中学业)是我妈妈所希望的,为了她,我必须完成。”比伯的母亲18岁时就生下他,比伯曾在一次采访时透露,母亲曾经酗酒、嗑药,但因为他的降临而戒掉了一切恶习,并以自己为反面教材来教育比伯。

but,For their reality version to graduate,But rather than "low profile,Also in T w itter haven't disclosed on his graduation mood,Just two months ago he accept English《Daily telegraph》In an interview asked a mouth feel about graduation:“(Finish high school)Is my mother had hoped for,In order to her,Must I finish the。”His mother than 18 years old when he gave birth to him,He was in a than said in an interview,Mother was drinking、Into hard drugs,But because of his coming to abstain from all the bad habits,And to be opposite teaching materials for education than "。


Than":I want to thank my sponsors,A tyre company,Some snacks company,And a perfume company,A pencil company......
