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高晓松甄选天籁之声 心灵不够粗糙者不入眼--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室
中新网7月10日电 近日,山东卫视大型音乐选秀节目《天籁之声》第一场全国总决赛落下帷幕,评委高晓松首次经历盲选赛制,眼看舞台上众多美女帅哥没有评委青睐搭理,高晓松释疑解惑称究其原因在于“长得好看的人磨砺少,心灵不够粗糙”。
Beijing July 10 (Reuters) recently,Shandong TV large music reality shows《Sound of》In the first game of the national finals off the beaten track,The judges for the first time GaoXiaoSong experience blind choose format,See stage many beauty handsome boy did not favor the judges take reason,GaoXiaoSong clearing up doubts to reassure says the reason is“Grow good-looking people less suffering,Heart not enough rough”。
盲选拉帅哥美女下马 高晓松称“倒霉” Blind choose pull hotties GaoXiaoSong dismount says“unlucky”
When ZhangJie from chengdu division will be a《Desire to love》After the completion of the interpretation,The study of movie and TV performance and not like his handsome the slogan“Use sound to communicate the voice”that,Will their across to the judges。GaoXiaoSong、Qi qin began his、Xiao ke、No one after another wall, a light,Let ZhangJie and friends and relatives rather embarrassed。
GaoXiaoSong kan to ZhangJie handsome appearance“Feel small”,Say there is a good wearing headphones,Is it can cover his big face,“Or see long such players more angry”。Lenovo to the front of a few players at lok ma in succession,GaoXiaoSong says first experience blind eyes selection,Before long the variety shows equal factors can determine how much exerts a subtle influence on the judges,but“Today is really bad luck,I can not see,Not a candidate for almost all of the handsome boy is beauty。”
“长得好看、磨砺少、心灵不够粗糙” 高晓松体引网友共鸣 “Grow good-looking、Less honed、Heart not enough rough” GaoXiaoSong body lead net friend resonance
Like the life GaoXiaoSong site thinking summarized a man of great looks more can't sing reasons,Says the people's life long good-looking smoothly、Less honed,Heart not enough rough,Singing more surface,Without the man that growth,In order to love long time waiting man has produced a chemical substances,Can help get more comprehension singer。
“Grow good-looking、Less honed,So heart not enough rough”This a,By the resonance of the users,In succession in micro bo extracts the sentence。the“Not white beauty rich”FaWei bo said:“Thank you GaoXiaoSong a word from the teacher‘Less honed,So heart not enough rough’,No bumpy life is not perfect,Life will withstand efforts。”
山东卫视《天籁之声》第一场全国总决赛已经决出24强,7月14日22:30将直播激烈的一对一 PK赛,成对选手单挑决出全国12强。
Shandong TV《Sound of》In the first game of the national finals has been decided and strong,22 July 14,:30 will live the fierce one-on-one PK,Pairs list to pick the players decide 12 is strong。
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