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潘长江延续姜昆惨剧 险遭猛男强吻吓坏朱丹(图)--亲稳舆论引导监测室

  中新网7月20日电 安徽卫视《势不可挡》日前邀来了喜剧天才潘长江二度登台录制,鉴于上周“姜昆遭男选手强吻”一事教训,据知情观众透露,本周节目录制现场进场时节目组对大家逐一严格提示,强调台上台下对嘉宾别“过于热情”,但是没有想到节目录制到一半时,又出现一男选手欲强吻潘长江的惊险一幕,好在潘长江反应快及时顺势推开,避免该男选手“突袭之吻”,这一幕也让一旁的朱丹也被吓得“面容失色”。

Beijing, July 20 (Reuters) anhui TV《unstoppable》Invited to a comic genius pan Yangtze river on the stage for the recording,In view of last week“Kun was strong lips of male athletes”Lessons about,According to the knowledge that the audience,This week program recording scene comes into play to everybody strictly suggests one created,Emphasize on the stage of the guests don't“Overly enthusiastic”,But no thought of program recording to half hour,And a man will appear to the breathtaking scene strong lips pan Yangtze river,Quick response with in time that pan Yangtze river pulls away,Avoid the male players“Kiss of the raid”,This scene also let one side is also scared the gerda“Pale face”。

《势不可挡》升级打造真实励志大片 《unstoppable》Upgrade make real inspirational blockbusters

侏儒症女孩上演 “真情催泪弹” Dwarf girl performance “Truth tear gas”


As the TV version of the new program summer adjustment,Originally broadcast on Thursday in anhui TV's《unstoppable》Along with the ratings rise successively,Last week the formal adjustment period“unstoppable”The strength of the race to prime time on Friday。This time viewing was particularly intense competition,In order to continue to firmly in The Times of the viewing position,《unstoppable》DaoYanZu timely according to other competition programs to improve their quality content adjustment,To the contents of the programme and player overall upgrade of the build。as“The grassroots talent inspirational”positioning,《unstoppable》Emphasize and strive to each player show grassroots“real、truth、True story”,Refuse to other programs to the players“SOB story deliberately and fabrication”And contrived means,For this,This week《unstoppable》Also played in advance“For you will be launched on since“The strongest tear touching blockbusters”Micro bo forecast。


It is reported,In this program to record the scene,Have a player,Her name is ZhongBiJuan,Is a girl from the guangzhou of meizhou hakka,With the dwarf was abandoned by her parents,'s less than one meter,Grew up in other people's eyes grew up in strange。Even if“Life in many times faced all kinds of adversity and ideal”,But all this and not down with her,ZhongBiJuan and didn't give up for the good yearning,Still positive and optimistic、Daily to smile to the life。Her with a on the stage《Invisible wings》Infection present audience,this“With the life truth in singing”Music of all the other present the audience“tearful”She shouted for“ZhongBiJuan,Come on!”,Even the host and guests pan Yangtze river are gerda you weep,And audience together shout“ZhongBiJuan,Come on!”,The scene is very touching。

  潘长江为爱替“烧伤毁容男”受罚撞墙 婉拒热情男选手强行献吻举动

Pan Yangtze river for for love“Burns disfigure male”A man will be punished enthusiasm declined to offer kiss move


But it is worth mentioning is,Show the day and a from wuhan“Mask male”Player HuYaWu,15 years ago his youthful days,In order to save three workers poisoning,Burnt the disfigured,face“The accident”,Gerda site asked if regret,He said no regret for so many years,Instead he comfort you“God give you is a kind of way,The key lies in you what mentality in accept...”,Although his talent and not get affirmation,But his brave、Inspiring stories let pan Yangtze river was touched,And urged him to carry out his program to be punished for rules--“Against the wall”,Pan Yangtze river said this time is for“A true、True love”Pure men getting punished,It also get gerda give him“GaoFu handsome”praise,these“Truth player”With the uplifting their way towards life,Moved by present every player and guests。


but,In each player moving more than the,The issue of the program recording site or appear a few“Accident episode”,According to the audience has revealed,In view of last week“Kun was strong lips of male athletes”Lessons about,This week program recording much more special some strict hints,The show is on comes into play,Workers have one by one to charge each player and the audience on the stage and the all don't appear to guests don't“Overly enthusiastic”behavior,But no thought of program recording to half hour,Or incident,An imitation“Chaplin”Male swimmers too a king,The idea of making whimsy and movement and the expression,First lay on the floor and gerda shake hands,And after the show active request and pan Yangtze river hug,But the other people don't think of is this in the embrace,The man will happen to the breathtaking scene strong lips pan Yangtze river,Quick response with in time that pan Yangtze river push away the male players,In time to avoid the this“Kiss of the raid”,This scene also let one side of the whole was scared to also gerda“Pale face”
