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粉丝找明星合影骗财骗色 男子谎称明星朋友骗钱--亲稳网络舆情监测室


There is the star haunts of must have a fans across to the other side。Way to star on warm gift,2 will also can close contact with stars,Want a signature to a photo。but,Stars should be careful,Some photo may have ulterior motives-recently,Have the bo new user authentication“Scholar on cold”says,Some fans find star group photo is to cheat money cheating the color!


According to“Scholar on cold”revealed,July 2, 2012 late at night,Xuzhou police arrested when a middle-aged man。A name to when fans,And song zuying、TanJing etc for the photo,Then say its friends,To help children to go to school as,Suspicion of fraud more than parents of 2 million yuan“Dredge relationship fee”。


On June 8, 2012,Faye wong in zhengzhou for concerts,Before the conference activities,“Zhengzhou a fat man”Ask for a group photo entangled faye wong,Concert started,“fatty”Faye wong friends pretend to be“Internal ticket sold”,Cheated 24 fans 30000 yuan。

  还有一个案例是杭州粉丝小雯被骗走15万元,原因是骗子拿着与韩国Super Junior的合影,表示可以给她“介绍明星做男朋友”。

And a case is hangzhou fans small cloud patterns was cheated out of 150000 yuan,The reason is cheater take and South Korea Super Junior group photo,Said can give her“Introduce star boyfriend”。

  一些怀揣明星梦的年轻人会因为想结交娱乐圈成功人士而被骗色。“月寒书生”的微博透露,“2012年1月,一男子在征婚交友网站贴出自己与冯小刚、张纪中、成龙等人的合影,自称是‘娱乐圈成功人士’,结果很多女孩子争着和他做朋友。最后这个账号被列入黑名单封号。 ”“某人不知从哪里求了一张与范冰冰的合影,四处炫耀说范冰冰是他带出来的,梦想成名的漂亮女孩纷纷被骗财骗色。 ”

Some of the young people would dream with star because want to make friends with the entertainment circle is cheating the color successful people。“Scholar on cold”Micro bo revealed,“January 2012,A man in the personals dating sites post himself and feng xiaogang、Zhang ji4 zhong、Jackie chan of the photo,Claiming to be‘The entertainment circle successful people’,Results a lot of girls touch his friends。Finally this account blacklisted titles。 ”“I did not know where someone ask a group photo with the fan bingbing,Is he said fan bingbing show off around the brought out,Dream of beautiful girls have been famous cheats out cheating the color。 ”


For LanYan aeration and Stanley tong have intimate events of the past,HuangRiHua also hurriedly clear this is a common photo。

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  明星躺着也能中枪 Star lie can also shot in

  根据“月寒书生”描述,有些人合影不是为了骗财也不是骗色,但也害人不浅。 2010年,没什么名气的蓝燕自爆与导演唐季礼有过一段情,并大爆两人之间的亲密往事,引来男方极度不满,称将采取法律行动讨回清白。当时,由于她在微博上贴了不少跟圈中男士拍下的合照,令不少男星马上跟她撇清关系。黄日华就明确表示:“她主动走过来要求合影。 ”苗侨伟也力证这只是一次普通的合照。香港知名制作人钱国伟也向媒体表示:“(照片是)五六年前照的,她很主动,但跟她不熟。 ”

According to“Scholar on cold”description,Some photos not to cheat money also is not cheating the color,But also HaiRenBuJian。 2010 years,The little known LanYan explosive and director Stanley tong had a feeling,Boom and the intimacy between two people past,The man draws very upset,Say will take legal action to get back on innocence。At that time,As she put a lot in micro bo circle of men with a photo,Make many with clear relationship with her left immediately。HuangRiHua will make it clear:“She came over and active request photographs。 ”Qiao wei also testified that it was just a normal photo。Hong Kong renowned producer QianGuoWei also said to the media:“(Photos is)Five or six years ago as,She is very active,But not familiar with her。 ”

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  粉丝也有真假之分 Fans also have true and false of the points

  现在只要是稍有些名气的明星,都有自己的粉丝团。有业内人士透露,粉丝团由三部分人构成,“第一部分是真正喜爱这个明星的人,第二部分是公司的工作人员,第三部分可能是第三方平台的利益团体。 ”有文化公司老总也认为:“粉丝团里有很多是职业粉丝,这是因为有强烈的市场需求。 ”“职业粉丝有点儿像群众演员。 ”有媒体报道称,目前明码标价的职业粉丝报酬是:举明星照片牌20元,嗓子嘶哑50元,泪流满面100元,昏倒一次200元,如果氛围营造热烈还将有奖金。

Now is the slightly some famous as long as stars,All have their own fans。Have the people said,Fans of three people constitute part,“The first part is really love the star,The second part was the company's workers,The third part is probably a third party platform of the interest groups。 ”There is culture company manager also think:“Fans have many is professional in the fans,This is because there are strong market demand。 ”“Professional fans is a little like the actress。 ”Media reports said,At present plain code marks a price career fans pay is:For celebrity photos brand 20 yuan,Voice hoarse $50,Tearful 100 yuan,Faint a 200 yuan,If a warm atmosphere will have the prize。
