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刘欢携爱妻录制好声音 批节目模式存在问题(图)--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

  随着《中国好声音》的热播,越来越多的质疑声围绕着这档当下最火爆的综艺节目。近日,在录制现场,四位导师刘欢、那英、庾澄庆、杨坤接受了记者采访。刘欢并没有因为加盟该节目而“护短”,在接受采访中直言:“节目赛制方面存在一些问题,有待于改进。 ”

as《China good voice》that,More and more questioning voice around the file now is the most popular of variety show。recently,Recorded in the,Four teacher liu joyfully、Na ying、YuChengQing、YangKun accepted the reporters。Liu joyfully and not because the program to join“HuDuan”,In an interview in the truth:“Show some problems in format,Needs to be improved。 ”


Although the stage four music teacher,But the true teacher is only one,Is liu joyfully。Talk about in the university when the teacher and in《China good voice》Do the difference between the tutor,Liu joyfully the teacher say“Difference can be big”:“In college I is to teach classes,And here in the teaching similar vocal music,There is in fact now tutor's work started yet,Because have not come to the training of the students stage,I need to further understand them,Their biggest energy further stir up”。


Talk about the program recording,Liu joyfully said,If have regret place,That's who good students,But four teachers are not turn around,“May each teacher for their students in the group of planning to consider,May they felt not turn others will also turn,There will always be people who will turn to come here,But the result four people didn't turn”。Talked about this a little,Liu joyfully think that this is the program mode itself the existing problems,“Hope can be created and the original model after party a communication,Because I saw the original show also presented such problems,The current the state does need to show the next improvement”。


Liu joyfully this,Can't help and cause people to liu joyfully will continue to join the second season whether purpose curiosity。Facing the problem,Liu joyfully the teacher say it's not for sure,Should be created and further communication。

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Before this,Na ying never in any a variety show responsible role of judges,Her hand in hand with the program to the important reason is that liu joyfully。Na ying and liu joyfully is old friends,Always trust each other。In na ying seems,Liu joyfully has always been careful,So when she is a little interest and had no idea,and“aim”Liu joyfully with,“If liu joyfully didn't promise,That this must have a problem,The results I found LiuHuanTe enthusiasm,So will know that‘It's become’”!


YuChengQing:To death, to the age of 18


YuChengQing is undoubtedly the most lively four mentor a,But actually he is four mentor the oldest。An interview asked about this problem,He says he is in fact laugh Lin lied about his age,“I to die to 18 years old。Mentality is very important,It can be counted。”In order to stage the total has an abundance of passion and good condition,He kept movement and perennial Lin good eating habits,And he often Lin psychological suggestion,“In a certain age can still do better than some young people”,To encouraging yourself,“This is actually a virtuous circle”。


YangKun:I was touched is incoherent

  对于很多观众而言,《中国好声音》让大家重新认识了杨坤。原来杨坤如此感性,这可谓是节目播出后最大的形象颠覆。一向不太表达的杨坤,自认为“不会说话”,而这也是他来做导师面临的最大挑战。对于自己在场上的表现,杨坤说道:“如果学员音色唱功刺激不到我,我在台下就会像个傻子,但如果真的打动了我,我也会语无伦次地讲一些话。 ” 记者 李娜

For many in the audience,《China good voice》Let everybody to know the YangKun。The original YangKun so perceptual,This it is the largest image after broadcast subversive。Always not too YangKun expression,think“Can't talk”,And that is he to do the biggest challenge facing the tutor。To do on the pitch,YangKun said:“If students singing tone stimulate less than I,I would like a fool below,But if really struck me,I will also speak some words to incoherent。 ” Reporter li na
