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亲密照曝光章子怡撒贝宁恋情? 网友推敲4大疑点--亲稳网络舆情监测室


Zhang ziyi and sa beining really together?Two months ago from in the news this paragraph“Underground madly in love”,Yesterday with a domestic weekly's finally and exposure was placed on stage again face。At press time,The two parties to love always clammed up,But does not interfere with net friend to the magical combination of the gossip enthusiasm,One by one to find out all kinds of exquisite still without the place of spectrum。Reporter then also these points on two contact testimony of witnesses ZhuoWei relationship,Each other accident revealed,Zhang ziyi and CCTV host sa beining has certainly go together,Two people at the scene is more close interaction between lovers。

  本报记者展娟娟 长沙报道

Our reporter exhibition JuanJuan changsha reported


[“国际章”的绯闻男友] [“International chapter”Boyfriend] the scandal of

  歌手·高枫 2002年,歌手高枫病逝后,姚荣撰文指出:章子怡是高枫最后一个女友。章子怡随后愤怒地表示,高枫只不过带她去了趟春晚后台而已。

Singer · GaoFeng in 2002,GaoFeng singer died,Articles YaoRong pointed out that:Zhang ziyi is GaoFeng last girlfriend。Zhang ziyi then said angrily,GaoFeng just take her went to its background just。

  导演·张艺谋 章子怡当年凭借张艺谋指导的《我的父亲母亲》杀入影视圈,随即与张艺谋传出绯闻。只不过当事人无一证实该绯闻。

Director zhang yimou zhang ziyi zhang that year with · guidance《My father's mother》Gracing the Audrey Hepburn children,Immediately and zhang yimou spread gossip。But all the parties confirmed that the scandals。

  富商·霍启山 2004年,香港媒体拍到章子怡和霍英东孙子霍启山接吻的照片。最终恋情以聚少离多告终。

Rich merchant · HuoQiShan in 2004,Hong Kong media photographed zhang ziyi and kiss the son of HuoQiShan fok ying tung photos。Finally to gather much less love from an end。

  富商·Vivi 2007年章子怡和Vivi的亲密照曝光。据章子怡友人透露,两人分手原因是两人在婚前财产公证上产生了分歧。

Rich merchant · Vivi 2007 zhang ziyi and Vivi close as exposure。According to zhang ziyi friend said,Two people break up reason is two people in the belongings before marriage notary produce debate。


前奏 Prelude to

  两人热恋传闻圈内早知 Two people have long known that circle madly in love


yesterday,A domestic entertainment weekly exposure zhang ziyi and sa beining“Madly in love as”,In the photo two people not only in the forest park located in kaiping, guangdong, both showed up,Wearing the same funds“Lovers shoes”Close tease dogs。This paper says zhang ziyi in brother、The company of elder brother's wife and sa beining sweet drifting,A group of people look far out。Zhang ziyi and sa beining for as long as a year“Underground,”Also come to light。But pictures after exposure,The two parties are not admit,But consistent with interest。According to a,Of zhang ziyi agent has to the media also only ambiguity on said,“Personal emotion is artist private life,We can't respond to。”Sa beining update is nothing last night the bo“truth”,Let the whole event look more complicated and confusing。


According to insider revealed,Two RenBi rumours, already in the circle spread。Among the another says says,This year, zhang ziyi's birthday party,A friend saw present to two people JiWen picture。Zhang ziyi is not foreign to her boyfriend identity introduce sa beining,So intimate behavior let many still see in the eye of a friend got the message。But the insider's seemingly YouMoYouYang leaks,For this long reach more than a year“Underground,”,Many people still is but smell rumors,See specific action。


 疑点 Doubtful points

  “章撒组合”之种种不靠谱 “Chapter and combination”Various not by the spectrum

  自与外籍男友Vivi Nevo分手后,章子怡感情空窗期足有两年之久,其间除偶尔被爆与前男友霍启山复合外,一直鲜有绯闻传出。这次突如其来的恋情曝光,对象换成了八竿子打不着的撒贝宁,也让网友连呼错愕。虽找不出炒作证据,仍有不少人在整段绯闻中找出了疑点,直言“热恋”一说尚有待观察。记者也据此梳理如下,如有命中,纯属巧合。

Vivi Nevo since and expatriate boyfriend broke up,Zhang ziyi feelings window period of the there are two full years,Meanwhile in addition to occasionally by blasting with her former boyfriend HuoQiShan compound outside,Have been few scandal broke。The sudden relationship exposure,Object into eight pole not play the sa beining,Also let netizen even call fright。Although can't find out the hype evidence,There are still many people in the whole affair going out in doubt,The truth“Madly in love”Said remains to be seen。Reporters also accordingly comb as follows,If have hit,By coincidence。


推测1:章子怡难换“高富帅”口味 Speculated that 1:Zhang ziyi is difficult to change“GaoFu handsome”taste


From Jackie chan、HuoQiShan to Vivi,Zhang ziyi boyfriend group a rich that expensive,All can be“GaoFu handsome”Type the example of。Has been,Career fair in love bring out of zhang ziyi,Even if the other side had deep love and affection long marriageable object,If wealth assets is not a magnitude, etc,“International chapter”Afraid to change taste。


推测2:撒贝宁喜找才貌双全同行 Speculated that 2:Sa beining like I find looking together


Sa beining and TuJingWei relationship after exposure,Once considered good CCTV,But later can't stick to it getting。Then again with sa beining communication university of China“Venus”CenLi railing spread gossip,Two people the age gap 10 years old,But the other side also was born in broadcasting,Showed I,Thering is no lack of common topic。And sa beining had explosive xi find quiet girlfriend spouse compared,Place oneself noise showbiz zhang ziyi,Slightly seems to fit in。


推测3:无牵手无拥抱,逗小狗逗出新恋情? Speculated that 3:No hand in hand with no hug,In front of the puppy tease new love?


Contrast the same way after playing detonation of reporters stars of scandals:GaoYuanYuan and zhao and public relationship before he was photographed Shared a room late at night,GaoYuanYuan more cautious pull a curtain "finale。Even earlier,GaoYuanYuan and YuXiaoWei in an apartment outside of deep feeling according to embrace,Annie and HuangWeiDe according the in hand,All without exception let both sides relationships do-or-die。Yesterday the picture of exposure,Zhang ziyi and sa beining almost no physical contact,In addition to a similar appearance“Lovers shoes”outside,“Eat corn”、“In front of the puppy”It is difficult to move that relationship between lovers。


推测4:公共场所约会却无路人撞破? Speculated that 4:Public places but there is no stranger to smash it date?


According to some entertainment weekly report,Sa beining far go to guangdong《A generation of master》The ground class zhang ziyi,Two people then and zhang ziyi brother and sister-in-law located in kaiping appeared together the north sister mountain forest park,Big play drifting,What together huan。But from already the picture of exposure to see,The entire rest almost see zhang ziyi and sa beining figure, etc,Few passers-by RuJing,The whole activity is nothing all keep out,Can't help letting person doubt forest park how no stranger to see through our big star。


[番外篇] [FanWai article]

  还有两人亲密互动照? Two other people as close interaction?


According to these points,Yesterday when contacted through them zhang ziyi and the witnesses ZhuoWei sa beining relationship,The other is that the original shooting set,By chance to guangdong agent that sa beining class after trend,He drove all the way to the mountain is located in tracking forest park,In the work under the researchers note in the zhang ziyi found shelter。but,Find zhang ziyi and sa beining both wake up,Nearly five closed garden time,A group of people is low-key returned from drifting。ZhuoWei explained,Because is located in the suburb,And time is near the close,Only few visitors through them two people love。In addition to witness with my own eyes of 20 minutes“Family party”outside,ZhuoWei also revealed to the reporter accident,On the day of more than two people interaction has exposure of these pictures,Also include some more show intimate behavior,But it is inconvenience exposure。
