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消失的子弹预告片曝光 霆锋对刘青云真情告白--亲稳舆论引导监测室


Summer blockbuster of evaluated《Disappear bullets》Released yesterday for files released on August 14,。In the theater has exposure trailer version,Nicholas tse、LiuQingYun、Yang mi、jingboran、LiaoQiZhi、WuGang、Jiang yan a、WangZiYi stars such as co-star first stage,Common deduced a hot exciting“The first republic evaluated”。Nicholas tse in the interview to LiuQingYun“confession”:“The line that eleven years,Finally can meet with LiuQingYun,Finally to accounted for。”

  《消失的子弹》由乐视影业、英皇影业斥巨资联手打造,金牌幕后尔冬升监制、罗志良导演。故事来源于著名的民国第一奇案,一枚杀人于无形的“幽灵子弹”引起了一个个连环离奇命案,到底子弹是如何消失的,幕后真凶又是谁,令该片充满了一个个引人关注的问号。戏里刘青云、谢霆锋 “神探双雄”一文一武,亦师亦友,难分伯仲,戏外谢霆锋却是个不折不扣的刘青云“死忠粉”。

《Disappear bullets》The music industry depends on the、King James industry spending heavily to create,Behind the scenes ErDongSheng gold producer、LuoZhiLiang director。The story comes from the famous republic evaluated first,A gold kill in invisible“Ghost bullets”Caused a serial bizarre homicide,Exactly how the bullets were disappear,Who is behind the guilty parties,Make the film is full of a compelling question mark。Play LiuQingYun、Nicholas tse “Starsky detective”Are a wu,Also division also friends,Difficult points',The movie is a real LiuQingYun Nicholas tse“Hardcore powder”。

  谢霆锋在接受采访时透露:“之所以接拍《消失的子弹》,就是冲着刘青云来的。”他还透露:“我入行十一年,终于有机会和青云大哥合作,这也算是对自己有了个交代,肯定了我自己。”面对合作无间的好搭档谢霆锋,刘青云也难掩喜爱之情:“演员分两种,一种是努力的,另一种是有天分的,但是还有一种特别稀有的,就是有天分又很努力的,谢霆锋就是这种演员。”对于在《消失的子弹》中的“双雄对决”,刘青云更表示:“我与谢霆锋的对手戏感觉很棒,像是一种化学反应,只要碰到一起,瞬间就感觉对了。”  记者 尹雪松

Nicholas tse said in an interview:“Are making《Disappear bullets》,Is LiuQingYun to blunt。”He also revealed:“I entered row 11 years,Finally has a chance to and qingyun eldest brother cooperation,This also is to explain,Sure myself。”Work closely with the good partner Nicholas tse,LiuQingYun also difficult to their love of love:“Actor of two,One is hard,The other is talented,But there is a special kind of rare,Is talented and very hard,Nicholas tse is the actor。”For in《Disappear bullets》of“Giants showdown”,LiuQingYun more said:“I and the Nicholas tse starred feel great,Like a kind of chemical reaction,As long as the met together,Instantly feel right。” Reporter YinXueSong
