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微电影《三人床》海报 小范冰冰首曝光眼神凌厉--亲稳舆论引导监测室

  中新网7月19日电 大型上下集微电影《三人床》近日即将杀青。一直深藏不露的另一位女主角终于在最新的海报中亮相,揭开神秘面纱。从海报上来看,床上躺着三个人,右边的女子无论是脸部轮廓还是深邃的眼神都极似范冰冰,令人眼前一亮。她就是有着“小范冰冰”之称的诸笑笑。而该片的男主角潘安峻躺在诸笑笑与杨亚中间,与两位大美女同床共枕,真可谓艳福不浅。杨亚用指尖挑逗潘安峻的下巴,眼神暧昧,潘安峻顺势凝看杨亚,而右边的诸笑笑则妒火中烧,眼神中冷艳却又带着点霸气,颇有“范爷”风范。

Beijing on July 19, large fluctuation set the movie《Three people bed》Recently shot to。Have been hidden of another actress finally in the latest poster appearances,Uncovered mysterious veil。From the posters and see,On the bed lay three people,The right woman whether the outline of your face or deep look very like fan bingbing,Enlightened me。She is having“Small fan bingbing”The known to smile。And the male leading role PanAnJun lying in the middle YangYa and laughed,And the two big beauty bed-fellows,It can YanFu not shallow。YangYaYong fingertips tease PanAnJun chin,Eyes ambiguous,PanAnJun of YangYa conveniently see,And the right of the smile is broil with envy,Look in the eyes is elegant and with a little bit but these years,Quite have the“Fan ye”style。

  诸笑笑毕业于四川音乐学院影视表演系,2009年曾获得世界小姐十佳和最佳上镜小姐,同年亚太超模亚军,ART Manuel特别形象奖,并代表中国参加在泰国的总决赛,2011年先后出演中日台三地合作倾力打造电视剧《铠甲勇士第三部--巨神战击队》女二号,和舞台剧《孟姜女为谁哭》、电视剧《宿怨》的女一号。外在条件的优势,加上得天独厚演技,使她很快转型顺利进入演艺圈。

The smile graduated from sichuan music college film test performance,In 2009 won the miss world top ten and best miss on screen,In the same year runner-up asia-pacific supermodel,ART Manuel special image award,And shall represent China in the finals in Thailand,2011 years in Taiwan and the cooperation between the successively china-largest TV series《Armor warriors the third-the war god strike team》The number two,And stage《Meng jiangnu for who cry》、TV《rivalry》Female a number。The advantage of the external conditions,Plus acting advantaged,She soon transformation to entering showbiz smoothly。


the《Three people bed》Posters of the large scale exposure three the main character of the bed as,PanAnJun and YangYa、The three people laughed out of eyes revealed in an affair let people anywhere,This summer《Three people bed》temptations,exciting。
