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多位实力花儿选手爆冷淘汰 网友吐槽大赛欠公平--亲稳网络舆情监测室

  中新网8月7日电 近日,2012花儿朵朵全国8强新鲜出炉,前几场比赛中“中国第一女rapper”黄乖儿、“西北女摇滚”许璐、“天赋少女”葛飞扬相继爆冷出局,引发众多歌迷和网友吐槽,纷纷质疑花儿朵朵的公平性,奔走各大网站和贴吧,求公平,求复活,众多歌迷为偶像复活请愿,围绕花儿朵朵复活赛的声音再次达到鼎沸状态。

Beijing August 07 dec recently,2012 the flowers were blossoming of the top eight fresh baked across the country,The first couple of games“China's first female rapper”Yellow lovely son、“Northwest female rock”XuLu、“Talent young girl”Gregory has shock flying out,Cause many fans and net friend vomit slots,Have questioned the fairness of the flowers were blossoming,The web site run and stick,For fair,For resurrection,Many fans idol petition for resurrection,Flowers were blossoming around the voice of the FuHuoSai again popular to state。

  “花儿朵朵现在剩下的选手弱爆了,跪求让黄乖儿、葛飞扬复活!”、“节目最终是要做给观众看得,老百姓的意见声音是最重要的。为了观众的声音和为了选择节目本质的不变质,花儿朵朵是否可以考虑下网友的建议呢,也是观众的心声呢?”很多网友被葛飞扬淘汰时泪洒现场的镜头感到疼惜:“看着太心疼了,唱得那么好一孩子,怎么就突然淘汰了呢?”近日,更有某草根名博主发文吐槽,“这样好的选手,居然意外的出局,真的是难以理解。葛飞扬实力确实不俗,各种风格的歌曲都能驾驭,也能掌控舞台和制造气氛,总决赛开赛以来无论是动感《billie jean》,还是风格另类的《Born to be wild》,她都能让激情澎湃和庞克的味道渗透至整个舞台;亦或是安安静静痛彻心扉的那首《画心》,都可以被她小小年纪唱出了魂牵梦萦缠绵悱恻,痛失葛飞扬这颗金子,不能不说是花儿朵朵舞台的遗憾!”黄乖儿、葛飞扬、许璐陆续败在所谓的“人气”之下,让花儿朵朵“留不住好声音”的争议再次聚焦升级,大众评审“爱美女”的评判标准更是饱受网友诟病。

“The flowers were blossoming now the rest of the players weak burst,Begged let yellow lovely son、Gregory feiyang resurrection!”、“Program is ultimately to do to the audience,Voice the opinions of the people is the most important。For audience sound and in order to select the program of the essence of the not bad,The flowers were blossoming can consider whether the net friend Suggestions,Also the aspirations of the audience?”Many net friend be Gregory float in the sky of the tears spilled out scenes feel cherish:“Looking at too love dearly,Sing so well a child,How suddenly out?”recently,More grassroots name a blogger spit slot postings,“Such good players,Incredibly accident exit,It is difficult to understand。Gregory feiyang strength does not common,All styles of the songs they can handle,Also can control the stage and create atmosphere,Since the start of the NBA finals whether move feeling《Billie jean》,The alternative or style《Born to be wild》,She can make the smell of punk passionate and penetration to the stage;Or a quiet enough trails of that song《Painting heart》,Can be her age small sing out smitten exceedingly sentimental,The gold star lost Gregory float in the sky,Have to say the flowers were blossoming stage of regret!”Yellow lovely son、Gregory float in the sky、XuLu have hurt in the so-called“popularity”under,Let the flowers were blossoming“Do not leave good sound”Disputes focus again upgrade,Public review“Female beauty”The evaluation criteria by net friend is reviled。


In fact,Last year“Rose voa”LiuSiHan also stop the flowers of the top eight,Trigger a net friend call“Protect good voice”And then DaoYanZu soon and FuHuoSai let her return to hold,In 2011 the flowers were blossoming final four camps,It also let those three years to read the pollen of the flowers were blossoming the petition for decisive idols,think“The flowers were blossoming as the most music inclusive draft,Should give sincere singer a resurrection opportunity。”At the same time,Also netizens think this year won't play hall,a“Black pearl”PengLi strong raid kick two popularity flowers,this“Back from the dead”Exceptions have attracted questioned,With net friend、All the fans and hope,The flowers were blossoming in the second game FuHuoSai what will not row on the agenda?Eliminated players have any chance to nirvana reborn?All the suspense can only leave to five games behind announced the finals。
