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大S汪小菲恩爱互动被催生子 网友:早点生个BB吧--亲稳网络舆情监控室

  8月7日晚,大S在微博上晒出与汪小菲长城的照片,两人手牵着手在长城的台阶前飞跃。大S语带幸福地调侃道,“其实当个北京媳妇儿也不难,不就煮个饭、飞个长城、落地后捡捡散了的骨头罢了。” 半小时后,汪小菲转发该条微博,并与大S隔空传情,“北京爷们平时也不太去长城,偶尔陪台湾朋友去一下也很有导游的感觉,特开心!”两人的恩爱互动也让一众围观网友大呼甜蜜,并催促这对甜蜜的小夫妻“早点生个BB吧!”

August 7, in,Big S in micro bo on the sun drying out and WangXiaoFei pictures of the Great Wall,Two people holding hands in the Great Wall the steps of leap。Big S language bring happiness to ridicule way,“In fact when a Beijing daughter-in-law not difficult also,Don't cook a meal、Fly a Great Wall、After landing pick pick up loose bones it。” Half an hour later,WangXiaoFei forwarding this micro bo,And with big S every feeling empty,“Beijing the yes usually also don't go to the Great Wall,Occasionally with Taiwan friend go to the also very much to have the feeling of tour guide,Especially happy!”Two people's conjugal love interaction also let the onlookers net friend big call sweet,And urged the small sweet couple“To give birth to a BB it!”
