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    The xinhua news agency on July 18, dar es salaam(The reporter)Chinese embassy in Tanzania embassy 18 confirmed,By Somali pirates hijacked a 19 months of Taiwan“As a rich,”The fishing boat crew of 26 17 all night was rescued,At present is heading to Tanzania way。


    According to the embassy FuJiJun counselor government introduced,“As a rich,”There are 14 of the Chinese fishing boat crew,With 13 students from mainland China,One is from Taiwan,Another 12 of Vietnam crew members。In the execution of the tasks of Aden escort the Chinese navy“changzhou”Number of missile frigate is currently the rescued crew transported to a dar es salaam, Tanzania, port。


    According to introducing,China's anhui province, henan province from the government and the working group will in future 20 arrived in Tanzania,Assist in developing work。Chinese embassy in Tanzania embassy has made contact with the local,For ships arrival、Medical personnel rescued、Customs clearance and finally got back to his own country to provide convenient。


    “As a rich,”Fishing boats in December 25, 2010 in the Malagasy waters around were hijacked,Then sail to Somali waters around。

中国代表说我海军在索马里海域护航成功率达100% The representative of China said I navy escort the coast of somalia success rate of 100%

    新华社联合国3月29日电(记者白洁 顾震球)中国常驻联合国副代表王民29日在纽约联合国总部说,中国海军自2009年1月向亚丁湾、索马里海域派出舰艇护航以来,共完成4500多艘船舶的伴随护航,其中一半以上为外国船只,护航成功率达100%。

    The xinhua news agency the United Nations on March 29 dec(Reporter BaiJie GuZhenQiu)China's ambassador to the United Nations deputy representatives xang 29 in the UN headquarters in New York said,China's navy from January 2009 to of Aden、Somali waters since the escort ships sent,More than 4500 vessels were done with the escort,More than half of them for foreign ships,The escort the success rate of 100%。

    王民当天在索马里海盗问题联络小组第十一次全会上发言时说, 中方支持根据相关国际法和安理会决议授权打击索马里海域海盗,并就此开展务实国际合作。截至今年3月,中国海军共派出11批护航编队28艘次舰艇,完成431批4543艘船舶的伴随护航,其中一半以上为外国船只,护航成功率达100%。

    On the day the rabbit in the Somali pirates problem contact group 11 time session, said spokesman, China supports according to relevant international law and the security council resolution authorizing the strike coast of somalia pirates,In the developing practical international cooperation。So far this year march,China's navy were represented and escort formation of 28 SouCi ships,Complete the 431 group of 4543 vessels with the escort,More than half of them for foreign ships,The escort the success rate of 100%。

    他说,中国海军共解救被追击的船舶48艘,接护被劫后获释船舶8艘,保护航经索马里海域中外船舶安全,维护该海域的航运秩序。中方还多次与欧盟合作为联合国粮食计划署运粮船提供护航。今年2月23日中国在南京成功举行了首届国际护航研讨会。“中方愿在自主自愿、平等协商原则的基础上,与有关方面继续加强军事行动的协调及信息共享,”王民说。 >>>详细阅读

    He said,China's navy were free of the ship pursued 48 of the ships,The ship was released by from eight of the ships,Protection by the coast of somalia for Chinese and foreign ship navigation safety,Maintain the sea shipping order。China is also many times and the eu cooperation for the United Nations world food program provides escort ships the bread。February 23, China successfully held in nanjing international conference on the first convoy。“China is willing to in the independent voluntary、Based on the principle of equal consultation,With related parties continue to strengthen military action coordination and information sharing,”Said the rabbit。 > > > detailed reading

中国海军赴亚丁湾索马里海域执行护航任务三周年 The Chinese navy Aden coast of somalia to escort the task execution 3 anniversary


    The xinhua news agency Beijing on December 26(LiTang、WuDengFeng)On December 26, 2011,To the Chinese navy of Aden、Somali waters escort mission execution for 3 anniversary。


    3 years,10 success of Chinese and foreign ship escort escort formation 403 group of 4383 ships,Take care、Save shipping 51 ship,Salvage the foreign ship four craft,Created by the ship、Their own 100% of its formation safety record。


    深蓝航迹记录海军官兵功绩 Deep blue track record navy officers and soldiers merit

    2008年12月26日,海军首批护航编队“武汉”舰、“海口”舰和“微山湖”舰从三亚起航开赴亚丁湾、索马里海域。 >>>详细阅读

    On December 26, 2008,The first navy escort formation“wuhan”ship、“haikou”Ships and“Weishan lake”Ships set sail from sanya Aden heading、Somali waters。 > > > detailed reading
