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    新华社福州7月21日电(记者 涂洪长)记者从21日在福建长汀召开的全国林业厅局长会议获悉,上半年我国造林绿化蓬勃开展,全国完成造林面积7069万亩,占全年计划的78.5%。

    The xinhua news agency on July 21, fuzhou(Reporter TuHong long)Reporters from 21 in fujian provincial forestry department director at the national changting that meeting,The country forestation vigorously,The complete afforestation area of 70.69 million mu,Accounting for 78.5% of the annual plan。


    Deputy director of the state forestry administration ZhangJianLong said,The national obligation in the first half of 2.29 billion strains of planting trees,11 provinces has completed annual afforestation task。At the same time,Sure the first 14 national forest management model base,Revised forest tending examination and acceptance、Operation design method and relevant technical standards。


    ZhangJianLong introduced,In the first half of this year the national achieve forestry industry output value 1.4 trillion yuan,Year-on-year growth of 31%;Forest products import and export worth $58.7 billion,Year-on-year growth of 2.8%。On the whole,The national forestry fast yet steady development situation。


    ZhangJianLong said,The second half,To catch the rainy season、The afforestation opportunities,Be sure to complete annual afforestation task。Start three north shelter forest construction five phase of the project,Promote the one million mu plantation base construction。Complete the beijing-tianjin chins and rocky desertification control project forestry construction tasks,For start desertification land reserve construction banned pilot。

林业局要求:狠抓贯彻落实 确保实现“双增” The administration urged:Vigorously promotes the implementation of the guarantee“wheat.water”


    The state forestry administration recently issued notice,Request the competent forestry authorities at all levels from three aspects study hard、To implement the important speech chairman jia spirit。

    《国家林业局关于认真学习贯彻落实贾庆林主席重要讲话精神的通知》说,2012年6月5日,中共中央政治局常委、全国政协主席、中国绿化基金会名誉主席贾庆林在北京会见了出席中国绿化基金会2011绿色公益盛典活动代表并发表了重要讲话。贾庆林主席充分肯定了多年来全国林业建设取得的重大成就,以及中国绿化基金会发动社会力量参与国土绿化事业发挥的重要作用,深入分析了当前林业和生态建设面临的新形势和新任务,对进一步加强林业生态建设提出了明确要求。贾庆林主席的重要讲话,内涵丰富、高瞻远瞩,对当前林业工作具有很强的针对性和指导性,为做好当前和今后一个时期的林业工作指明了方向、明确了重点、提出了要求、鼓舞了干劲,对推动全国林业建设,特别是动员全社会力量,加大植树造林力度,确保完成“十二五”林业目标任务,具有重要的现实意义和深远的历史意义。 >>>详细阅读

    《The state forestry administration for serious study to implement the important speech the chairman jia spirit notice》said,June 5, 2012,The standing committee of CCCPC political bureau、President of CPPCC、China green fund honorary chairman jia qinglin in Beijing met with attend China green fund 2011 green public welfare activities represent ceremony and delivered an important speech。Jia qinglin President emphasizes for many years the national forestry construction has made significant achievements,And China's green fund launch social forces the greening of the country's career play an essential role,In-depth analysis of the current forestry ecological construction and face the new situation and new tasks,To further strengthen the forestry ecological construction puts forward specific requirements。Jia qinglin chairman of the important speech,Connotation is rich、foresight,On the current forestry work has the very strong targeted and guidance,To make the current and future a period of forestry work is pointed out、Clear the key、Put forward the request、Encouraged the energy,To promote the national forestry construction,Especially mobilizing all social forces,Increase afforestation strength,Be sure to complete“1025”Forestry task goal,Has important realistic meaning and profound historic significance。 > > > detailed reading

全国10年间造林8.63亿亩 国土绿化步伐全面加快 The national 10 years 863 million mu of land and greening afforestation faster overall pace

    新华社北京6月16日电(记者 刘羊旸)党的十六大以来,中央作出了关于加快林业发展的决定,确立了以生态建设为主的林业发展战略。10年间,全国累计完成造林面积8.63亿亩,比上一个10年增加近1亿亩,是历史上造林面积最多的10年。

    Beijing, June 16(Reporter liu Yang sheep)Since the 16 th CPC national congress,The central made the decision on speeding up the development of forestry,Established by the ecological construction mainly of forestry development strategy。10 years,The national has been finished afforestation area of 863 million mu,Than the one in 10 increased nearly 100 million acres,History is the most afforestation area 10 years。

    10年来,在全球森林资源持续减少的大背景下,我国实现了森林面积和森林蓄积量的双增长。全国森林面积由23.9亿亩增加到29.3亿亩,森林蓄积量由113亿立方米增加到137亿立方米。与此同时,林业重点工程建设切实加强,及时启动天然林保护工程二期,适时延长退耕还林补助政策;义务植树实现形式不断创新,民众绿化意识显著增强,全民义务植树呈现蓬勃开展态势。 >>>详细阅读

    10 years,In the global forest resources continue to decrease the background of the,Our country to realize the forest area and volume of ShuangZengChang of forest。The national forest area of 2.39 billion mu by increased to 2.93 billion acres,The forest by 11.3 billion cubic meters volume increased to 13.7 billion cubic meters。At the same time,Forestry key project construction earnestly strengthen,Timely start natural forest protection project phase ii,Timely returning farmland to extend the subsidy policy;Obligations the realization form innovation to plant trees,Public green consciousness enhanced markedly,National compulsory planting trees flourishing development present situation。 > > > detailed reading
