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汇聚决心民心 兼顾公平效率——医改实践具有多重启示意义--亲稳舆论引导监测室

汇聚决心民心 兼顾公平效率——医改实践具有多重启示意义   


    陕西神木县医院的医生在为万镇镇张家沟村82岁的毛玉叶检查身体(2009年5月25日摄)。毛玉叶是有生以来第一次住院,胸腔大量积液,住院一月共花去8496元,个人仅花费医保外的40多元。 Shaanxi shenmu county hospital doctor in all ZhenZhen ditch, the 82-year-old village 2 hair jade leaf check body(25 May 2009 is taken)。MAO jade leaf is the first time in my life be in hospital,Pleural effusion of,In January at a cost of $8496,Personal medical insurance cost of the only 40 yuan。


    强有力的政府主导和推动,正确清晰的方法和路径,亿万群众得保障和实惠的民心支撑,成为撬动医改“世界难题”的“中国经验”,具有多重启示意义。 Powerful government leading and promote,The correct method of clear and path,Millions of people have to safeguard and the benefit of the popular support,Become cure of the move“The problem”of“China experience”,With multiple enlightenment。新华社 The xinhua news agency hair

汇聚决心民心 兼顾公平效率——医改实践具有多重启示意义

    陕西省子长县余家坪乡卫生院医务人员在为当地65岁以上老人免费体检(2009年11月24日摄)。     More than ZiChangXian ping of shaanxi province in the medical staff for local hospital in 65 older free medical(On November 24, 2009 perturbation)。新华社发 The xinhua news agency hair

汇聚决心民心 兼顾公平效率——医改实践具有多重启示意义

    北京市东城区海运仓社区卫生服务站的赵医生(右)在给签约了“家庭医生式”服务的杨女士进行肢体康复训练(2011年9月23日摄)。北京“家庭医生式”服务以社区卫生服务团队为核心,以居民健康管理为主要内容。社区卫生服务团队与服务家庭签订协议,为居民提供个性、连续、主动的健康责任制管理服务。     Beijing dongcheng district community health service stations shipping storehouse zhao doctor(right)Signed in to“Family doctor type”Service members on ms. Xiuzhu rehabilitation training(On September 23, 2011 perturbation)。Beijing“Family doctor type”Service to the community health service team as the core,Residents in health management as the main content。Community health service team and service family signed an agreement,For residents to provide individual character、continuous、Active health responsibility system management services。新华社发 The xinhua news agency hair

汇聚决心民心 兼顾公平效率——医改实践具有多重启示意义

    云南省迪庆藏族自治州香格里拉县大宝寺村的藏族医生杜几七林(左)在给5岁的藏族小女孩尼玛拉姆检查病情(2009年2月10日摄)。迪庆藏族自治州90%以上的农牧民参加了新型农村合作医疗,当地按照全面覆盖和切实方便群众看病的原则,建成495个村级农家卫生室,配备了近500名农家卫生员,初步形成乡村医疗服务网络,争取让群众“小病不出村,大病不出乡”。     Yunnan province diqing Tibetan autonomous prefecture shangri-la county dabao temple village Tibetan doctors du several seven Lin(left)In the five years to the little girl's Tibetan nima check of the illness(February 10, 2009 perturbation)。The diqing Tibetan autonomous region more than 90% of the villagers and nomads' took part in the new rural cooperative medical care,Local fully cover, and practical in accordance with the principle of convenient for people to see a doctor,Built 495 village peasant clinic,Equipped with nearly 500 peasant busboy,Preliminary form rural medical service network,Strive for the masses“Ailment a village,A serious illness in a”。新华社发 The xinhua news agency hair

汇聚决心民心 兼顾公平效率——医改实践具有多重启示意义

    这是山东省郯城县郯城镇富强村合作医疗定点卫生室医务人员(右一)为群众讲解新农合医疗“一卡通”的使用方法(2010年1月3日摄)。     This is TanChengXian prosperous village in shandong province TanCheng town cooperative medical fixed-point clinic medical staff(Right a)The new farm and medical explanation“card”Use method(On January 3, 2010 perturbation)。新华社发 The xinhua news agency hair
