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    8月9日,海协会会长陈云林(左)与台湾海基会董事长江丙坤在会谈前握手。当日,海峡两岸关系协会会长陈云林与台湾海峡交流基金会董事长江丙坤在台北圆山饭店开始举行两会恢复协商以来的第八次领导人会谈。新华社记者 侯东涛 摄

    August 9,,President ChenYunLin attend(left)Taiwan-based straits exchange foundation (sef) and the chairman JiangBingKun before talks to shake hands。On that day,Association for relations across the Taiwan strait ChenYunLin President of Taiwan and the straits exchange foundation JiangBingKun, chairman of the board of the grand hotel in Taipei to hold back the CPPCC consultation for the eighth time leaders since the talks。The xinhua news agency HouDongTao perturbation

    新华社快讯:     Xinhua express:9日上午9时许,海峡两岸关系协会会长陈云林与台湾海峡交流基金会董事长江丙坤在台北圆山饭店开始举行两会恢复协商以来的第八次领导人会谈。

9, 9:00 am xu,Association for relations across the Taiwan strait ChenYunLin President of Taiwan and the straits exchange foundation JiangBingKun, chairman of the board of the grand hotel in Taipei to hold back the CPPCC consultation for the eighth time leaders since the talks。

步入“深水区” 奠定里程碑——两岸两会领导人第八次会谈前瞻 into“Deep water area” Lay the milestone-the eighth NPC leaders on both sides talks ahead

    新华社北京8月7日电(记者 张勇 林甦)海协会会长陈云林将于8日率团赴台,并于9日与台湾海基会董事长江丙坤举行两会恢复协商后的第八次会谈。本次会谈将重点商谈海峡两岸投资保护和促进、海峡两岸海关合作两项议题并签署协议。这两项协议的达成,是两岸经济合作框架协议(ECFA)后续商谈的一个里程碑,对深化两岸经济合作、促进两岸贸易往来具有重要作用和积极意义。

    Beijing, aug. 7 (Reuters)(Reporter zhang yong Lin Sue)President ChenYunLin will attend in 8 rate to a group,And in 9, taiwan-based straits exchange foundation (sef) chairman JiangBingKun two meetings held back after consultation of the eighth talks。The meeting will focus on cross-strait talks investment protection and promotion、Strait customs co-operation two issues and sign the agreement。The two agreements reached,Is the cross-strait economic cooperation framework agreement(ECFA)The follow-up to negotiate a milestone,To deepen the cross-strait economic cooperation、Promote cross-strait trade has important function and positive significance。


    To promote investment protection agreement“accomplished”

    本次会谈将签署的两项协议都很重要,但两岸投资保护和促进协议尤受瞩目。一是因为这项协议将为促进和保护两岸双向投资、深化两岸经济合作提供制度性保障,其重要性不言自明;二是因为该协议的酝酿、协商历时近两年,可谓“千呼万唤始出来”。 >>>详细阅读

    The meeting will sign the two agreements are very important,But on both sides of the protection and promotion of investment agreement the attention especially。A because the agreement will for the promotion and protection two-way investment on both sides of the Taiwan straits、Deepening of economic cooperation on both sides of the institutional guarantee,Its importance self-evident;2 because the agreement of the brewing、Consultation for nearly two years,is“QianHuWanHuan beginning out”。 > > > detailed reading

大陆三个高层次访台团抵达 两岸合作迎来红火八月 Mainland three high level to visit Taiwan team arrived in cooperation between the mainland and red in August

    新华社北京8月8日电(记者 陈斌华 刘畅 钱春弦)海协会会长陈云林8日率团抵达台北,两会领导人将于9日商谈并签署《海峡两岸投资保护和促进协议》《海峡两岸海关合作协议》。同日,商务部副部长蒋耀平率海贸会访问团抵台,开始两岸产业合作研讨与对台采购行程;国家旅游局局长邵琪伟则在高雄召开的第四届海峡两岸旅游交流圆桌会议上,宣布了多项深化两岸旅游产业合作的利好政策。

    Beijing August 8,(Reporter ChenBinHua liu chang QianChun string)President ChenYunLin 8, attend rate team arrived in Taipei,Two meetings leaders will discuss and signed in September《Strait investment protection and promote agreement》《Strait customs co-operation agreement》。the,Vice minister of commerce jiang yaoping sea trade delegation rate will be arrived in Taiwan,Start the cross-strait industrial cooperation discussion and Taiwan purchasing schedule;The national tourism administration bureau chief ShaoQiWei is held in kaohsiung fourth cross-straits tourism exchange roundtable,Announced a number of deepening cooperation on both sides of the tourism industry, good policy。

    大陆三个高层次访台团同时带来好消息,让两岸双向投资、贸易和旅游产业合作与发展面临难得契机,必将呈现更加红火的崭新局面。 >>>详细阅读

    Mainland three high-level group to visit Taiwan and bring good news,Let the two-way investment on both sides of the Taiwan straits、Trade and tourism industry cooperation and development face rare opportunity,Will present more prosperous new situation。 > > > detailed reading
