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农业基础地位更加稳固 农村面貌加快改善--亲稳网络舆情监测室

农业基础地位更加稳固 农村面貌加快改善

    山东省沂源县南鲁山镇陈家山村的农民在采收成熟的谷子(2011年9月19日摄)。国家统计局8月24日发表的一份经济社会发展成就报告称,党的十六大以来,在国家一系列强农惠农富农政策带动下,我国农业综合生产能力显著提高,农业增长方式加快转变,现代农业深入发展,新农村建设顺利推进,农村面貌加快改善,农村社会更加和谐稳定。新华社发(资料照片     Shandong province YiYuanXian LuShan town south of the village in the farmers harvest mature millet(On September 19th, 2011, perturbation)。The national bureau of statistics released on August 24, a economic and social development achievement report says,Since the 16th CPC national congress,In a series of JiangNong benefiting country rich peasant driven by policy,China's agricultural comprehensive production capacity significantly increased,Accelerate transformation of the agricultural growth mode,Further development of modern agriculture,New rural construction is progressing smoothly,Speed up the improvement of rural face,Rural society more harmonious and stable。The xinhua news agency hair(Material photos)

农业基础地位更加稳固 农村面貌加快改善

    农村乘客在南京江宁区土桥集镇汽车站乘坐公交车。江苏在农村公路“村村通”的基础上实现了客运班车同步通达(2008年10月21日摄)。新华社发(资料照片)     Rural passenger in nanjing jiangning area TuQiao town bus station take bus。Jiangsu in rural highway“Every pass”On the basis of the passenger train synchronous mastery(On October 21, 2008 perturbation)。The xinhua news agency hair(Material photos)

农业基础地位更加稳固 农村面貌加快改善

    在孙吴县西兴乡永丰村的沙棘地里,一名村民从刚采摘的沙棘果中筛出树叶(2012年8月15日摄)。黑龙江省孙吴县近年来大力推进大果沙棘产业发展,实现生态改善与经济发展的双赢。新华社发(资料照片)     In the sun in west hing township yongfeng village seabuckthorn the earth,A villager from just picked ShaJiGuo to sieve out the leaves(August 15, 2012 perturbation)。Heilongjiang province in sun in recent years to vigorously push forward the big fruit seabuckthorn industry development,To realize ecological improvement and economic development of win-win。The xinhua news agency hair(Material photos)
