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    9月14日,梨南村村民鲁长安展示收获的几十斤重的大南瓜。近年来,黑龙江省双鸭山市宝清县将特产“南瓜籽”作为富民强县的重点产业来抓,给当地的农民带来了实实在在的实惠,“南瓜籽”成了当地百姓眼中的“金瓜籽”。宝清县小城子镇梨南村是宝清县南瓜种植产业基地。2005年,梨南村借宝清县大力发展南瓜“瓜籽”产业之机开始大规模种植南瓜,成立了专业协会和农民专业合作社,南瓜种植逐步走上正轨,农民的收入也越来越高。梨南村村民鲁长安告诉记者,他家除了口粮田他还承包了一些土地,全部用来种植南瓜,光种瓜每年收入有十多万元。“种南瓜以前,村里人均年收入只有3000多元,现在全村平均年收入早已经超过万元。村子也变了模样,村里铺上了6米宽的水泥路面,主街都装上了太阳能路灯,很多农民家里都‘养起了’小轿车。”梨南村支书姚念和说。2011年,宝清县南瓜籽交易市场交易总量达23万吨,实现购销总额40亿元,创汇6000万美元,直接带动就业4万多人,间接带动就业35万余人。新华社记者 王松 摄     On September fourteenth,Pear south village villagers LuChangAn show harvest a few jins weight big pumpkin.In recent years,Heilongjiang province BaoQingXian shuangya shan will speciality"Pumpkin seeds"As the key industries by the prosperous common people to grasp,To local farmers has brought tangible benefits,"Pumpkin seeds"A local people's eye"Yellow melon seed".BaoQingXian town son town pear south village is BaoQingXian pumpkins grow industrial base.In 2005,,Pear south village borrow BaoQingXian vigorously develops the pumpkin"Melon seed"The machine started large-scale industry growing pumpkins,Set up professional association and farmers' professional cooperatives,Pumpkins grow gradually on track,The income of the farmers more and more is also high.Pear south village villagers LuChangAn told reporters,His house in addition to grain ration farmland he has contracted for some land,All used to grow pumpkins,Light kind of melon annual revenues have ten more than ten thousand yuan."Kind of pumpkin before,The average per capita income in the village only 3000 yuan,Now the village average year income have more than ten thousand yuan.The village also changed shape,On the shop in the village 6 meters wide cement road surface,Main stem are loaded on the solar street light,Many farmers home‘Keep up’car."Pear south CunZhiShu YaoNian and said.In 2011,,BaoQingXian pumpkin seeds market transaction gross amounts to 230000 tons,Realize marketing total 4 billion yuan,Foreign exchange earning $60 million,Direct drive the employment of more than 40000 people,Indirect drive the employment of more than 350000 people.The xinhua news agency reporter king perturbation


这是梨南村的种植的南瓜已成熟(9月14日摄)。新华社记者 王松 摄 This is the pear south village planting pumpkin already mature(On September fourteenth perturbation).The xinhua news agency reporter king perturbation
