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    9月28日,参观者在天津滨海旅游区妈祖文化经贸园观看妈祖圣像安座大典。当日,高42.3米的妈祖像在天津滨海新区落成。两岸四地上千名妈祖信众、游客当天相聚在渤海之滨,参加了妈祖圣像安座大典。 妈祖像坐落于天津滨海旅游区妈祖文化经贸园,采用大理石和钢筋混凝土建造。该文化经贸园由台湾妈祖联谊会发起,台湾大甲镇澜宫财团投资兴建。按照规划,除了建妈祖像外,还将建妈祖庙、妈祖阆苑、禅居会馆、津台文化会展中心、文化艺术中心、民艺大街、商贸大楼和台湾美食广场等。因漕运而兴的天津,与妈祖有着深厚的渊源。天津民间至今流传着“先有娘娘宫,后有天津卫”的说法。位于天津古文化街的天后宫俗称“娘娘宫”,建立已有660多年,为中国北方最大的妈祖庙,也是中国北方妈祖文化信仰和研究中心,每年吸引众多世界各地的信众来天津朝拜、旅游。新华社发(李俊杰 摄)   On September 28,Visitors in tianjin binhai tourist area mazu culture economic and trade garden watching mazu eikon Ann seat ceremony.On that day,High 42.3 meters of mazu like in tianjin binhai new area was completed.The four to thousands of mazu followers/The tourists meet in the bohai sea shore,Participated in the mazu eikon Ann seat ceremony. Mazu like tianjin binhai tourist area located mazu culture economic and trade garden,The marble and reinforced concrete construction.The cultural trade garden by the Taiwan mazu association initiated,Taiwan invested DaJiaZhen billows palace consortium.According to the planning,In addition to building as the matsu,Also MaZuMiao will be built/Mazu LangYuan/ChanJu hall/Tianjin station culture exhibition center/Culture and art center/Folk street/Business building and Taiwan the food plaza, etc.Because the harbor and tianjin,And mazu has a deep origin.Tianjin has spread the folk"First empress palace,Tianjin wei after"that.Located in tianjin ancient culture street known as temple"Empress palace",Set up more than 660 years,For north China's largest MaZuMiao,Is China northern mazu culture beliefs and research center,Every year attracts many people all over the world come to tianjin pilgrimage/tourism.The xinhua news agency hair(LiJunJie perturbation)
