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    此次出土的“贵霜王朝”铜币每枚重量约在2.4克至3.7克之间(10月10日摄)。 The unearthed"Your frost dynasty"Copper every pieces of weight about 2.4 g and 3.7 g between(Taken on October 10,).


    位于中国古丝绸之路东道北段的宁夏回族自治区西吉县近日出土17枚铜币,经当地鉴定组专家鉴定为古丝绸之路遗留的“贵霜王朝”钱币 Is located in the ancient silk road north host of ningxia hui autonomous region XiJiXian recently unearthed and coin,The whole by the local experts identified as the inheritance of ancient silk road"Your frost dynasty"coin.


    此次出土的17枚古钱币均为青铜铸造,每枚重量约在2.4克至3.7克之间,直径约1.2厘米到1.5厘米,厚度约0.25厘米。古钱币正背面均有模糊的动物图案和象形符号。 The unearthed 17 pieces of ancient COINS are bronze casting,Every pieces of weight about 2.4 g and 3.7 g between,Diameter is about 1.2 centimeters to 1.5 cm,A thickness of about 0.25 cm.Ancient COINS are back are fuzzy animal patterns and pictographic symbols.


    与中国汉代同时代的中亚贵霜王朝,是兴起于中亚细亚的奴隶制国家,公元105至250年发展至鼎盛时期,被认为是当时欧亚四大强国之一,与汉朝、罗马、安息并列。“贵霜”钱币是古丝绸之路具有重要历史价值的一种钱币,采用希腊打压法制造,质地有金、银、铜等材质。钱币正面往往以文字、人物与图案设计并重,形状近似圆形或椭圆形。此前在楼兰遗址及和田地区曾出土数十枚贵霜钱币。 And the han Chinese contemporary central Asia your frost dynasty,Is the rise in Asia countries slavery,A.D. 105 to 250 development to the golden age,Was seen as one of the four big powers Europe,And han dynasty/Rome/Rest coordinate."Your frost"Money is the ancient silk road has important historical value of a coin,The Greek press method manufacturing,Texture of gold/silver/Copper and so on material.Money often with positive words/Characters and pay equal attention to pattern design,Shape approximate circular or elliptic.Previously in the loulan ruins and hetian area have been excavated dozens of pieces of your frost coin.新华社记者 彭昭之 摄 The xinhua news agency reporters PengZhao perturbation


    专家在宁夏回族自治区西吉县古钱币博物馆观察研究出土的“贵霜王朝”铜币(10月10日摄)。     Experts in ningxia hui autonomous region XiJiXian ancient COINS museum observational study of excavated"Your frost dynasty"copper(Taken on October 10,).新华社记者 彭昭之 摄 The xinhua news agency reporters PengZhao perturbation


这是宁夏出土的“贵霜王朝”铜币(10月10日摄)。 This is unearthed in ningxia"Your frost dynasty"copper(Taken on October 10,).新华社记者 彭昭之 摄 The xinhua news agency reporters PengZhao perturbation
