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十年生态:脚踏实地 成绩斐然--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

十年生态:脚踏实地 成绩斐然

    这是蓝天白云掩映的内蒙古大兴安岭林区(2011年6月16日摄)。建设历时34年的三北防护林经过四期工程,已累计完成造林保存面积2647万公顷,工程区森林覆盖率由1977年的5.05%提高到12.4%。目前,三北五期工程已经国家批复正式启动,规划投入规模逾900亿元。党的十七大报告指出:“建设生态文明,基本形成节约能源资源和保护生态环境的产业结构、增长方式、消费模式。”标志着我国生态文明建设战略任务的确立。近年来,我国持续加大生态环保投入力度,实施一系列生态环境保护工程,生态文明建设从党和政府的号召走向脚踏实地的实践。新华社记者 李欣 摄     This is the blue sky white clouds have devoured the daxinanling forest region of Inner Mongolia(On June 16, 2011 perturbation).Construction duration and years of three north shelterbelt after four phase of the project,It has completed afforestation preservation area of 26.47 million hectares,Forest coverage rate movement by 5.05% in 1977 to 12.4%.At present,The five phase of the project has been officially launched national rights,Planning investment scale more than 90 billion yuan.The party's seventeen pointed out in the report:"Construction of ecological civilization,Basic formation to save energy resources and protect the ecological environment of the industrial structure/Growth mode/Consumption pattern."In our country the construction of ecological civilization marks the establishment of the strategic task.In recent years,Our country continue strengthening the ecological environmental protection investment,Implementation of a series of ecological environment protection engineering,The construction of ecological civilization from the party and the government's call for to down-to-earth practice.Xinhua news agency reporters li xin perturbation

十年生态:脚踏实地 成绩斐然

    内蒙古鄂尔多斯市采取网格化种草治理毛乌素沙地(2008年7月12日摄)。从2000年起,国家启动京津风沙源治理工程。在工程实施的前10年,国家累计安排资金412亿元,累计完成退耕还林和造林9002万亩,草地治理1.3亿亩,小流域综合治理1.18万平方公里,生态移民17万多人。目前,为期10年的“京津风沙源治理二期工程规划”即将实施,总投资达877.92亿元。党的十七大报告指出:“建设生态文明,基本形成节约能源资源和保护生态环境的产业结构、增长方式、消费模式。”标志着我国生态文明建设战略任务的确立。近年来,我国持续加大生态环保投入力度,实施一系列生态环境保护工程,生态文明建设从党和政府的号召走向脚踏实地的实践。新华社记者 李欣 摄     Inner Mongolia erdos city take grid chemical planting management maowusu desert(On July 12, 2008 perturbation).Since 2000,Countries start the beijing-tianjin of sandstorm source control project.In the first decade of the project implementation,National accumulative total arrange capital of 41.2 billion yuan,Returning farmland to forest has been completed and planting 90.02 million mu,Over 130 million mu of grassland,The small watershed comprehensive management of 1.18 square kilometers,Ecological migration of more than 170000 people.At present,10-year"The beijing-tianjin of sandstorm source control of the second phase of the project planning"Will carry out,With a total investment of 87.792 billion yuan.The party's seventeen pointed out in the report:"Construction of ecological civilization,Basic formation to save energy resources and protect the ecological environment of the industrial structure/Growth mode/Consumption pattern."In our country the construction of ecological civilization marks the establishment of the strategic task.In recent years,Our country continue strengthening the ecological environmental protection investment,Implementation of a series of ecological environment protection engineering,The construction of ecological civilization from the party and the government's call for to down-to-earth practice.Xinhua news agency reporters li xin perturbation

十年生态:脚踏实地 成绩斐然

    一群牦牛在青海省果洛藏族自治州玛多县境内的星星海湖畔吃草(2011年8月10日摄)。为拯救三江源地区生态环境,2005年我国规划投资75亿元,启动了三江源生态保护与建设工程。目前,三江源区生态治理已经取得初步成效,项目区生态退化趋势明显缓解,生态服务功能效果显现,“中华水塔”功能初步恢复。党的十七大报告指出:“建设生态文明,基本形成节约能源资源和保护生态环境的产业结构、增长方式、消费模式。”标志着我国生态文明建设战略任务的确立。近年来,我国持续加大生态环保投入力度,实施一系列生态环境保护工程,生态文明建设从党和政府的号召走向脚踏实地的实践。新华社记者 吴光于 摄     A group of yak in qinghai go luo Tibetan autonomous region MaDuoXian stars within the territory of the sea lake eat grass(August 10, 2011 perturbation).To save the ecological environment in the source region,In 2005, planning investment of 7.5 billion yuan,Start the ecological protection and construction engineering.At present,In the source area ecological management has achieved initial results,The project of ecological degradation trend obviously alleviate,Ecological service function appeared effect,"The water tower"Function preliminary recovery.The party's seventeen pointed out in the report:"Construction of ecological civilization,Basic formation to save energy resources and protect the ecological environment of the industrial structure/Growth mode/Consumption pattern."In our country the construction of ecological civilization marks the establishment of the strategic task.In recent years,Our country continue strengthening the ecological environmental protection investment,Implementation of a series of ecological environment protection engineering,The construction of ecological civilization from the party and the government's call for to down-to-earth practice.The xinhua news agency reporter wu's in perturbation

十年生态:脚踏实地 成绩斐然

    芜湖市民准备体验公共自行车(2012年9月22日摄)。目前,公共自行车在我国“遍地开花”。有关部门发布的《关于加强城市步行和自行车交通系统建设的指导意见》明确了步行和自行车交通系统建设的发展目标:到2015年,城市步行和自行车出行环境明显改善,步行和自行车出行分担率逐步提高;市区人口在1000万以上的城市,步行和自行车出行分担率达到45%以上。党的十七大报告指出:“建设生态文明,基本形成节约能源资源和保护生态环境的产业结构、增长方式、消费模式。”标志着我国生态文明建设战略任务的确立。近年来,我国持续加大生态环保投入力度,实施一系列生态环境保护工程,生态文明建设从党和政府的号召走向脚踏实地的实践。新华社发(陈立希 摄)     Wuhu citizens prepare experience public bicycle(On September 22, 2012, perturbation).At present,Public bicycle in our country"Blossom everywhere".Issued by the relevant departments[On strengthening the city walking and bicycle traffic system construction guidance]Has been clear about the walking and bicycle traffic system of the construction and development of the target:By 2015,City walking and cycling trip environment improved obviously,Walking and cycling trip share rate gradually improve;Urban cities with a population of over 10 million,Walking and cycling trip share rate above 45%.The party's seventeen pointed out in the report:"Construction of ecological civilization,Basic formation to save energy resources and protect the ecological environment of the industrial structure/Growth mode/Consumption pattern."In our country the construction of ecological civilization marks the establishment of the strategic task.In recent years,Our country continue strengthening the ecological environmental protection investment,Implementation of a series of ecological environment protection engineering,The construction of ecological civilization from the party and the government's call for to down-to-earth practice.The xinhua news agency hair(ChenLiXi perturbation)

十年生态:脚踏实地 成绩斐然

    这是架设在三峡左岸电站附近的电力输送塔(2005年7月20日摄)。10年来,我国水电实现量的突破,每年新增水电装机均超过1000万千瓦。2010年我国水电装机规模已突破2亿千瓦,为保障能源供应、调整能源结构、应对气候变化、促进可持续发展作出了重要贡献。党的十七大报告指出:“建设生态文明,基本形成节约能源资源和保护生态环境的产业结构、增长方式、消费模式。”标志着我国生态文明建设战略任务的确立。近年来,我国持续加大生态环保投入力度,实施一系列生态环境保护工程,生态文明建设从党和政府的号召走向脚踏实地的实践。新华社记者 杜华举 摄     This is set up in the three gorges left bank power station nearby power transmission tower(On July 20, 2005 perturbation).Ten years,China's hydropower realize amount of breakthrough,New Year hydropower installed by more than 10 million kw.In 2010, the installed capacity of hydropower has reached 200 million kw,To ensure energy supply/Adjusting energy structure/Climate change/To promote sustainable development has made important contributions.The party's seventeen pointed out in the report:"Construction of ecological civilization,Basic formation to save energy resources and protect the ecological environment of the industrial structure/Growth mode/Consumption pattern."In our country the construction of ecological civilization marks the establishment of the strategic task.In recent years,Our country continue strengthening the ecological environmental protection investment,Implementation of a series of ecological environment protection engineering,The construction of ecological civilization from the party and the government's call for to down-to-earth practice.Xinhua news agency reporters DuHuaJu perturbation
