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    乌鲁木齐华源热力公司二厂的工作人员在燃气锅炉厂房里巡检(11月26日摄)。走进位于乌鲁木齐城北的华源热力公司二厂,整洁的厂房里整齐地排列着6座燃气锅炉,每座吨位达100蒸吨。据乌鲁木齐市供热办介绍,该厂是目前国内最大的燃气供热站。锅炉产生的热量通过供热管网进入千家万户,在寒冬里为市民送去温暖。乌鲁木齐,蒙古语意为“优美的牧场”。然而在过去每年长达6个月的供暖期内,燃煤产生的数万吨二氧化硫、烟尘等污染物漂浮在空气中,宛如城市上空的“黑锅盖”,也让昔日的乌鲁木齐成为全国113个环保重点城市中冬季大气污染严重的城市之一。为了揭掉这个“锅盖”,2012年初,乌鲁木齐市委、市政府广泛征求民意,组织专家论证,提出全面实施燃煤供热锅炉改用天然气工程。短短半年时间,总投资121亿元的“煤改气”工程迅速落实。目前已完成189家燃煤供热单位的天然气改造,拆除改造大型燃煤供热锅炉431台,新建改建燃气供热锅炉房242座,安装燃气锅炉710台。改造后,乌鲁木齐市天然气供热范围占到全市总供热面积的76%以上。污染物排放量得以大幅下降。新华社记者 赵戈 摄      Urumqi we thermal company two factory workers in gas boiler factory inspection room(November 26 perturbation).Located in urumqi city of the north into the present thermal company two factory,Clean workshop in orderly rows in the six seat gas boiler,Every large tonnage of 100 ZhengDun.According to urumqi heating do is introduced,The factory is the nation's largest gas heating plant.Boiler heat generation through the heating pipe network into thousands of households,During the cold winter for citizens sent to warm.urumqi,Mongolia semantic for"Beautiful pasture".However, in the past six months a year the heating period,Coal produces tens of thousands of tons of so2/The contaminant such as dust floating in the air,Just like the above the city"Black pot",Also let the urumqi become the national 113 key environmental protection cities in the winter air pollution serious cities.In order to strip away the"pot",At the beginning of 2012,Urumqi municipal party committee/The municipal government asked for a wide range of public opinion,Organization on the expert's demonstration,Proposes a comprehensive implementation coal heating boiler to switch to natural gas engineering.Just half a year time,The total investment capital is 12.1 billion yuan"Coal to gas"Engineering quickly implement.At present has completed 189 coal heating unit of natural gas transformation,Demolition reconstruction large coal heating boiler 431 sets,New rebuilt gas heating boiler room 242 seats,For the installation of fuel gas boiler 710 sets.After the transformation,Urumqi gas heating range to account for the total heating area of more than 76%.Pollutant emissions to drop considerably.Xinhua news agency reporters ZhaoGe perturbation 


    乌鲁木齐华源热力公司二厂的工作人员在燃气锅炉厂房里检查燃烧器工作情况(11月26日摄)。新华社记者 赵戈 摄     Urumqi we thermal company two factory workers in gas boiler factory room inspection burner work situation(November 26 perturbation).Xinhua news agency reporters ZhaoGe perturbation
