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    11月28日,在甘肃省华亭县马峡镇马峡村村民文化广场,几名小学生放学后在健身器上玩耍。 On November 28,,Huating county in gansu province MaXia town MaXia village culture square,A few pupils in after school playing on the machines.素有“陇东煤都”之称的甘肃省华亭县因煤而兴的同时,也因采煤带来了发展中的诸多难题,曾经一些产煤区生态环境遭受破坏,地面沉降、裂缝、滑塌随处可见。为此,该县坚持“生态文化山城,绿色能源之都”的发展理念,投入巨资对采矿滑坡、塌陷地块进行治理。从昔日晴天一身灰、雨天两腿泥的煤城小县到宜商宜居宜游区域中心小城市,从过去又黑又脏的“煤黑子”到如今人人羡慕的现代化矿工。如今,华亭县已建成全国文明县城、国家园林县城,打造成为文明靓丽新煤都。 Known as"Longdong coal"Said the gansu province huating county for coal and xing at the same time,Also because the development of coal mining brings many of the puzzles,Once some of the ecological environment destruction,Ground subsidence/crack/Slump can be seen everywhere.therefore,The county adhere to the"Ecological culture mountain city,The green energy"Development concept,Invested heavily to mining landslide/Collapse block to undertake administrative.From the ashes a sunny day/A rainy day two legs of the mud coal city in huaibei smaller counties to appropriate quotient livable appropriate swim regional center small city,From the past and dark and dirty"Be colliers"By now the envy of all modern miners.now,Huating county has been built the national civilization county/Country garden county,Make become civilization beautiful new coal.新华社记者 张锰 摄 The xinhua news agency reporter zhang manganese perturbation


这是甘肃省华亭县莲花湖公园一角(11月28日摄)。 This is the gansu province huating county lotus lake park corner(November 28 perturbation).新华社记者 张锰 摄 The xinhua news agency reporter zhang manganese perturbation


    11月28日,在甘肃省华亭县东华镇月元村村民文化小广场,人们从文化墙旁走过。     On November 28,,Huating county in gansu province town of donghua on yuan village culture small square,People from culture wall side through.新华社记者 张锰 摄 The xinhua news agency reporter zhang manganese perturbation


    11月28日,在甘肃省华亭县马峡镇双明村,一辆汽车从新建民居旁驶过。     On November 28,,Huating county in gansu province MaXia town double Ming village,A car from the newly passed near dwellings.新华社记者 张锰 摄 The xinhua news agency reporter zhang manganese perturbation
