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       11月29日,57001次货运列车即将驶离哈密南站。当日12时26分,随着由哈密开往罗布泊的57001次货运列车缓缓地驶离站台,向着罗布泊的方向进发,从此“死亡之海”罗布泊告别了不通火车的历史。通往罗布泊的新疆哈(密)罗(布泊)铁路,北起兰新铁路第二双线哈密南火车站,途经花园乡、南湖、沙哈、巴特、鲢鱼山、黑龙峰、多头山、东台地、罗中9个车站,直达罗布泊中心。设计技术标准为国家Ⅱ级单线铁路,内燃牵引,预留电化条件,规划输送能力为货运每年3000万吨。哈罗铁路的建设对于开发沿线矿产资源、特别是对钾肥资源开发、缓解我国钾肥资源不足及加快新疆经济发展具有重要意义。今后,哈罗铁路还将与哈密—内蒙古临河铁路相连,成为疆煤外运的北翼通道,担负起新疆煤炭资源输出的重要任务。此外,哈罗铁路还将与正在规划建设中的库尔勒—若羌—格尔木铁路相接,形成新疆与西北、西南地区客货运输的新通道。新华社记者 江文耀 摄 Nov. 29,57001 times freight train will leave hami station.Day 12 when 26 points,As the hami to lop nur 57001 times freight train slowly from the platform,Toward the direction of the lop nur heading,From now on"The sea of death"Lop nur said goodbye to the impassability train history.To lop nur xinjiang ha(close)ROM.(Cloth berth)railway,North up LanXin railway second double hami south railway station,Via garden township/South lake/Sand ha/bart/Silver carp mountain/Black dragon peak/Bull mountain/Dongtai to/ROM. 9 of the station,Direct lop nur center.Design technical standard for national Ⅱ stage single railway,Internal combustion traction,Reserve electrochemical conditions,Planning for freight transport capacity 30 million tons each year.Hello railway construction for mineral resources development along the line/Especially for potash resources development/Alleviate our country potash resources and speed up the economic development of xinjiang is of great significance.In the future,Hello railway will also and Inner Mongolia hami - linhe railway connected,Be in xinjiang coal sinotrans north wing channel,Coal resources in xinjiang shoulder the important task output.In addition,Hello railway will also and is planning construction of korla - if qiang - golmud railway connect,Formation of xinjiang and the northwest/Southwest passenger transportation new channel.Xinhua news agency reporters JiangWenYao perturbation


    11月29日,57001次货运列车驾驶员李师傅对列车进行最后的发车准备。     Nov. 29,57001 times freight train driver master li to train for the last departure preparation.新华社记者 江文耀 摄 Xinhua news agency reporters JiangWenYao perturbation


    11月29日,57001次货运列车缓缓驶离哈密南站向着罗布泊的方向行驶。     Nov. 29,57001 times freight train slowly leave hami south towards the direction of the lop nur driving.新华社记者 江文耀 摄 Xinhua news agency reporters JiangWenYao perturbation
