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    2012年,我国继续加速编织立体交通网。我国高铁运营里程已超过8600公里,是世界上高速铁路发展最快、规模最大的国家;各地地铁建设如火如荼,累计有31个城市已经或即将与轨道交通“结缘”;公路、民航也迎来建设热潮。交通基础设施建设为经济社会快速发展提供了有力支撑,同时快捷高效的交通也正悄然改变着人们的生活。这是昆明新机场——昆明长水国际机场夜景(2012年6月25日摄)。昆明长水国际机场工程是国家“十一五”重点建设项目,属于国家第四个门户枢纽机场,于2012年6月28日正式启用。新华社记者 秦晴 摄      In 2012,,Our country continue to speed up weaving the three-dimensional network of communication lines.Our country high iron operation mileage has more than 8600 kilometers,Is the world's fastest growing high-speed railway/The largest country;The subway construction around like a raging fire,A total of 31 city has or will and rail transit"Become attached to";highway/Civil aviation also welcomed a construction boom.Traffic infrastructure construction as the social and economic rapid development to provide strong support,At the same time, fast and efficient traffic is also quietly changing people's life.This is kunming new airport - kunming long water international airport at night(On June twenty-fifth, 2012 perturbation).Kunming long water international airport project is the national"11th five-year plan"Key construction projects,Belong to the state fourth gateway airport,In June 2012, and was officially opened.The xinhua news agency QinQing perturbation 


    2012年9月16日拍摄的黄冈长江大桥。湖北黄冈长江大桥是长江上第6座公路铁路两用桥,全长4008米,是目前世界同类桥梁跨度最大的大桥,预计2013年底建成通车。 新华社记者 余国庆 摄     On September 16, 2012 in the film huanggang Yangtze river bridge.Hubei huanggang Yangtze river bridge is the Yangtze river highway and railway bridge 6 seat,Total length of 4008 meters,Is the same bridge in the world the biggest span bridge,In the end of 2013 is expected to open to traffic. The xinhua news agency YuGuoQing perturbation


    2012年11月24日,浙江省首条地铁——杭州地铁1号线开通试运营。新华社记者 鞠焕宗 摄     On November 24, 2012,Zhejiang province first subway - hangzhou metro line 1 open trial operation.The xinhua news agency JuHuanZong perturbation


    2012年12月1日,中国首条、同时也是世界上第一条投入运营的新建高寒地区长大高速铁路——哈大高铁开通运营。图为我国自主研制的第一款高寒动车组——CRH380B准备驶离哈尔滨西站。新华社记者 王建威 摄     On December 1, 2012,China's first/At the same time is also the first operation in the cold area to grow up a new high speed railway, Harding high iron open operation.The first paragraph in the independent development of alpine emu - CRH380B ready to leave Harbin west railway station.The xinhua news agency WangJianWei perturbation


    2012年10月11日,施工人员在杭州湾第二座跨海大桥——嘉绍跨海大桥主塔下的钢箱梁上进行施工。嘉绍跨海大桥总投资约139亿元,工程初步预计全桥年底贯通。 新华社记者 徐昱 摄     On October 11, 2012,Construction personnel in the hangzhou bay sea-crossing bridge building a second - jia shaoxing sea-crossing bridge main under the tower on the steel construction.Jia shaoxing sea-crossing bridge with a total investment of about 13.9 billion yuan,Preliminary project is expected to the end of the whole bridge through. Xinhua news agency reporter xu yu perturbation


    2012年11月8日,施工人员在青海首条高海拔超长公路隧道——青海西久公路拉脊山施工现场庆祝右幅隧道贯通。新华社记者 侯德强 摄     On November 8, 2012,Construction personnel in qinghai first high altitude long highway tunnel in qinghai province, west long highway construction site LaJiShan celebrate right picture through the tunnel.The xinhua news agency HouDeJiang perturbation


    2012年12月14日,在京广高铁郑州东—北京西的动车组试验车上,乘务员在进行模拟服务。目前世界上运营里程最长的北京至广州高速铁路将于2012年12月26日全线贯通。新华社发(祝庆 摄)     December 14, 2012,In the jingguang high iron zhengzhou east - Beijing train test the car,Flight attendants in the simulation service.The world's longest mileage operation of high-speed railway from Beijing to guangzhou in on December 26, 2012 all through.The xinhua news agency hair(ZhuQing perturbation)
