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    丈夫艾起背着周月华前往病人看病(12月15日摄)。“丈夫就是我的双足,伴我走过了二十多个春夏秋冬,没有他的支持,我无法完成我行医治病的梦想。”周月华说。从小被诊断为小儿麻痹症的周月华,一直无法像正常人一样行走。为了能早日治疗自己的疾病,凭着执着和努力,周月华迈进了卫校大门。几年的学习和实践,使她成为一名医生。回到老家北碚区柳荫镇,周月华开了一个乡村诊所。很快周月华凭借科班所学的知识以和低廉的药费,成为远近闻名的好医生。但是,由于她行动不便,大部分病人为了看病,也只有拖着疲惫的身躯来到诊所找她,为此周月华心里极为难过。然而,随着一个沉默寡言的男人走进她的生活,她行医看病的梦想得以延续。这个男人就是她的丈夫艾起。结婚后,艾起背着她走遍方圆13平方公里的大小山岭,为近5000村民服务。周月华的感人事迹得到社会的广泛认可,她先后荣获“全国优秀乡村医生”、“全国2011年我做喜爱的健康卫士”“感动重庆十大人物”“重庆市优秀共产党员”“白求恩式医务工作者”等荣誉。今年还被选为十八大代表到北京参会。“在这二十多年里,有危险,有艰辛,有无奈,更有希望。没有丈夫踏实的肩膀,我也不会走到今天,我很满足也很幸福”周月华说。新华社记者 陈诚 摄  The carrying ZhouYueHua husband ai to the patient's home to see a doctor(December 15 perturbation)."Her husband is my feet,I went through with more than twenty chun xiaqiu winter,Without his support,I can't finish my doctor cure dream."ZhouYueHua said.Since the childhood were diagnosed with polio ZhouYueHua,Has been unable to walk like normal person.In order to treat his disease as soon as possible,With persistence and hard work,ZhouYueHua set towards the gate.Years of study and practice,Led her to become a doctor.Back to their hometown beibei town of shade of willow trees,ZhouYueHua opened a village clinics.Soon ZhouYueHua with regular professional training knowledge to and low expenses for medicine,As a famous good doctor.but,Because of her action inconvenience,Most of the patient to see a doctor,Only the body that should drag exhaustion came to clinic to find her,Therefore ZhouYueHua heart is very sad.however,As a silent man walked into her life,Her doctor the doctor dream to continue.The man is her husband ashton up.After marriage,Ai up carry her through a 13 square kilometers of the size of the mountains,For nearly 5000 villagers' service.ZhouYueHua moving deeds get social widely recognized,She has received"The national outstanding rural doctors"/"The national 2011 I do love health guard""Touched by chongqing ten characters""Chongqing outstanding communist party member""Bethune medical workers"honorary.This year also was chosen to represent the eighteenth big to Beijing."In the twenty years,There are dangerous,A hard,Have but,More hope.No husband steadfast shoulder,I will not go today,I'm very satisfied and happy"ZhouYueHua said.Xinhua news agency reporter taken systematically 



    丈夫艾起背着周月华前往病人家看病(12月15日摄) The carrying ZhouYueHua husband ai to the patient's home to see a doctor(December 15 perturbation)新华社记者 陈诚 摄  Xinhua news agency reporter taken systematically  .



    周月华(右)在刘大爷家为他打针和测量血压(12月15日摄)。 ZhouYueHua(right)In the home, grandpa liu for his injections and measuring blood pressure(December 15 perturbation).新华社记者 陈诚 摄  Xinhua news agency reporter taken systematically 



    丈夫艾起开着摩托车和周月华一起前往病人家中(12月15日摄)。 Husband ashton stand aside a motorbike and ZhouYueHua went to patient's home(December 15 perturbation).新华社记者 陈诚 摄  Xinhua news agency reporter taken systematically 
