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    12月20日,在新疆哈密地区巴里坤哈萨克自治县境内省道S303线,清雪机械正在抢通道路。连日来,新疆哈密地区巴里坤哈萨克自治县下涝坝乡境内省道S303线、S238线路段多处遭遇暴风雪袭击,致800多辆车受困、1000余人滞留。当地交警接到求救信息后紧急出动,抢救被风雪围困的司乘人员,养路部门出动多台清雪车辆疏通道路,经过40多小时的连续救援,除部分事故车辆外,大部分车辆及人员均转移至安全地带。新华社发(张建刚 摄)     December twenty days,In hami district, xinjiang BaLiKun kazak autonomous county highway within the territory of S303 line,Clear snow machine is on the road.For the last few days,Hami district, xinjiang BaLiKun kazak autonomous county within the territory of the township dalaoba provincial S303 line/S238 line segment with the storm hit,The more than 800 car under siege/More than 1000 people stranded.Local police received information for emergency response,Rescue is blizzard beleaguered company by personnel,Road department out many sets of clear snow vehicles unblock roads,After forty hours of continuous relief,In addition to part of the vehicle accident,Most of the vehicles and personnel are transferred to the safety.The xinhua news agency hair(ZhangJianGang perturbation)


    这是12月20日在新疆哈密地区巴里坤哈萨克自治县境内省道S303线拍摄的被风雪围困的车辆。新华社发(张建刚 摄)     This is December twenty days in hami district, xinjiang BaLiKun kazak autonomous county highway within the territory of S303 line filming was snow siege vehicles.The xinhua news agency hair(ZhangJianGang perturbation)


    12月20日,在新疆哈密地区巴里坤哈萨克自治县境内省道S303线,救援人员为被困司乘人员送去食物。新华社发(张建刚 摄)     December twenty days,In hami district, xinjiang BaLiKun kazak autonomous county highway within the territory of S303 line,Rescue workers for trapped passengers should send to food.The xinhua news agency hair(ZhangJianGang perturbation)


    这是12月20日在新疆哈密地区巴里坤哈萨克自治县境内省道S303线拍摄的被风雪围困的车辆。新华社发(张建刚 摄)     This is December twenty days in hami district, xinjiang BaLiKun kazak autonomous county highway within the territory of S303 line filming was snow siege vehicles.The xinhua news agency hair(ZhangJianGang perturbation)


    12月20日,在新疆哈密地区巴里坤哈萨克自治县境内省道S303线,交警和司乘人员在清理积雪。新华社发(张建刚 摄)     December twenty days,In hami district, xinjiang BaLiKun kazak autonomous county highway within the territory of S303 line,The traffic police and company by personnel in the clear the snow.The xinhua news agency hair(ZhangJianGang perturbation)


    这是12月20日在新疆哈密地区巴里坤哈萨克自治县境内省道S303线拍摄的被转移到安全地带的滞留车辆。新华社发(张建刚 摄)     This is December twenty days in hami district, xinjiang BaLiKun kazak autonomous county highway within the territory of S303 line film were transferred to safer places of detention vehicle.The xinhua news agency hair(ZhangJianGang perturbation)
