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    12月28日,户籍河南、在京工作多年的李洪超(左)和黑龙江籍的同事史鑫(中)来到“燕保·京原家园”看房。当日,北京两处公租房项目“燕保·京原家园”和“燕保·青秀家园”开始为期8天的现场看房。据了解,两个项目共提供3336套房,其中作为北京目前最大的公租房项目——位于北京石景山区京原路7号的“燕保·京原家园”不但首次试点跨区配租,其中的118套房源还将专门面向符合公租房申请条件、并已通过公租房备案的外省市来京工作家庭配租,这在北京尚属首次。目前,北京市保障性住房建设投资中心网站   On December 28,,Census register, henan province/LiHongChao in Beijing for many years(The left)And the heilongjiang ShiXin by colleagues(In the)Came to"YanBao Beijing, the original home"things.On that day,Beijing two and rent"YanBao Beijing, the original home"and"YanBao, green - home"Start for eight days of the systems.It is understood,Two projects to provide a total of 3336 suites,Among them as at present in Beijing's largest public rental projects -- Beijing is located in Beijing city road no. 7"YanBao Beijing, the original home"Not only the first pilot transnational with rent,118 sets of houses will also specially to comply with the conditions of application and rent/And has set up a file in the record to rent the other provinces and cities of Beijing working families with rent,This was the first time in Beijing.At present,,Beijing indemnificatory housing construction investment center website ( http://www.bphc.com.cn )已发布相关-[-/a>配租信息,市住保办相关负责人表示,配租摇号将于2013年1月25日进行,并于当天在同一网站公布结果,2013年1月底启动选房、入住等相关工作。新华社记者 罗晓光 摄 Already issued related rent information,City in the relevant person in charge of the office,With rent wave number will be on January 25, 2013,And on the same day in the same website,Start at the end of January 2013 room/In related work.Xinhua news agency reporters LuoXiaoGuang perturbation



    12月28日,户籍河南、在京工作多年的李洪超(右一)在“燕保·京原家园”向工作人员咨询租房的具体事宜。新华社记者 罗晓光 摄 On December 28,,Census register, henan province/LiHongChao in Beijing for many years(The right one)In the"YanBao Beijing, the original home"Consult staff rent the specific matters.Xinhua news agency reporters LuoXiaoGuang perturbation



    12月28日,户籍河南、在京工作多年的李洪超在“燕保·京原家园”的公租房样板间看房。新华社记者 罗晓光 摄 On December 28,,Census register, henan province/Work in Beijing LiHongChao in for many years"YanBao Beijing, the original home"The male rent between example systems.Xinhua news agency reporters LuoXiaoGuang perturbation