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    这是建设中的北京通州区北环环隧立体交通市政服务枢纽中的地铁预留通道(1月15日摄)。 This is the construction of Beijing tongzhou district north this tunnel three-dimensional traffic municipal services hub of subway reserve channel(On January 15th perturbation).


    北环环隧立体交通市政服务枢纽位于北京通州北关大道与永顺东街交会处,环隧深埋在北关北街、新华东路、永顺南街、北关中路地下30多米处,主隧全长1.5公里,从上到下分为三层,依次为行车道、综合管沟设备夹层、综合管沟层。主隧道宽14.15米,布置成逆时针单向行驶的三条车道,设备夹层与综合管廊将包含水、电、气、热、真空垃圾收集等多种管线。隧道设置了4对进出口与地面道路相接,还设置了连接地下车库的22处进出口,可实现地块与地块间、地块与市政道路间无缝衔接,缓解地面交通压力。 North this tunnel three-dimensional traffic municipal services hub is located in Beijing tongzhou BeiGuan avenue and yongshun tung street intersection,Ring tunnel buried in BeiGuan north street/Xinhua road/Yongshun south street/BeiGuan road more than 30 meters underground,ZhuSui total length 1.5 km,From top to bottom is divided into three layers,For traffic lane in/Integrated pipeline equipment sandwich/Comprehensive pipe trench layer.The main tunnel 14.15 meters wide,Decorate counterclockwise unidirectional driving three lanes,Equipment sandwich and comprehensive pipe gallery will contain water/electric/gas/heat/Vacuum garbage collection and so on many kinds of pipeline.Tunnel set up 4 to import and export and ground road phase,Also set the connection of underground garage and place import and export,Can be realized between block and block/Block and municipal road seamless connection between,Ease ground traffic pressure.


    北环环隧不仅融合了交通和市政管线,还要和周围的地铁、商业设施相互接驳,所有车辆都将在地下行驶,留出了充分的地面空间给市民享用。“一体化”的设计方案将环隧、商业设施、写字楼、地铁等多项工程统一协调施工,这样既缩短了工期,又节约了大量工程成本。 North this tunnel not only incorporates the traffic and municipal pipeline,Also and the surrounding the subway/Commercial facilities mutual connection,All the vehicles will be underground road,Set aside the full ground space for the public to enjoy."integration"Design scheme will ring tunnel/Commercial facilities/office/The subway and so on many engineering unified coordination construction,This not only shorten the time limit for a project,And save a lot of engineering cost.新华社记者 李欣 摄 Xinhua news agency reporter li xin perturbation


    这是北京通州区北环环隧立体交通市政服务枢纽的施工现场(1月15日摄)。     This is Beijing tongzhou district north this tunnel three-dimensional traffic municipal services hub construction site(On January 15th perturbation).新华社记者 李欣 摄 Xinhua news agency reporter li xin perturbation
