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山西:大力发展设施农业 提高冬春蔬菜自给率--亲稳网络舆情监测室

山西:大力发展设施农业 提高冬春蔬菜自给率

    1月24日,在山西省晋中市榆次区南湖村,一位蔬菜大棚种植户抱着刚采摘的小西红柿从大棚边走过。深冬农闲时节,山西省晋中市榆次区南湖村的村民们仍在自家的蔬菜大棚里忙碌着。这个有900多口人的村庄地处旱垣,村民几年前还依靠种玉米过日子,2011年开始发展设施蔬菜。目前,这个村已建起温室大棚170座,设施蔬菜种植年收入达500多万元。作为一个华北内陆省份,长期以来山西每年六成以上的冬春蔬菜依靠外地调运。2010年,山西组织实施了设施蔬菜百万棚行动计划。短短几年时间,越来越多的村庄像南湖村一样种上了大棚蔬菜。近三年,山西省每年新增设施蔬菜20万亩以上,全省蔬菜冬春自给率已由“十一五”末的40%提高到55%。新华社记者 詹彦 摄     January 24,,Jinzhong city in Shanxi Province ~ area south lake village,A vegetable shed farmers holding the fresh-cut small tomato shed from the side walk.Slack in the autumn season,Jinzhong city in Shanxi Province ~ area south lake village, the villagers are still in their vegetables shelter busy.The more than 900 people of the village is located in the drought walls,A few years ago the villagers still rely on maize life,2011 start developing facility vegetable.At present,The village has built greenhouse shed 170 seats,Facilities vegetables planting and earning more than 500 yuan.As a north China inland provinces,For a long time shanxi every year more than sixty percent of the winter vegetables rely on foreign scheduling.In 2010,,Shanxi organization to implement the facilities vegetables a tent action plan.Just a few years time,More and more like a village south lake village as the big awning vegetables.Nearly three years,Shanxi new facilities each year more than 200000 mu of vegetables,The vegetables of the winter has been made"11th five-year plan"At the end of the raised from 40% to 55%.The xinhua news agency ZhanYan perturbation

山西:大力发展设施农业 提高冬春蔬菜自给率

    1月24日,在山西省晋中市榆次区南湖村,一位蔬菜大棚种植户在采摘成熟的小西红柿。新华社记者 詹彦 摄      January 24,,Jinzhong city in Shanxi Province ~ area south lake village,A vegetable shed farmers in picking mature small tomato.The xinhua news agency ZhanYan perturbation    

山西:大力发展设施农业 提高冬春蔬菜自给率

    在山西省孝义市胜溪新村温室育苗中心,工作人员在给黄瓜苗浇水(2012年11月23日摄)。新华社记者 詹彦 摄     In Shanxi Province (xiaoyi city - stream of saemaul undong greenhouse nursery center,Staff in cucumber seedlings watered(As of November 23, 2012 perturbation).The xinhua news agency ZhanYan perturbation
