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1月24日,76岁的胡玉芬(右二)老人将她制作的鞋垫赠送给秦皇岛市开发区中心派出所教导员王澎涛手中。当日,秦皇岛市开发区中心派出所的干警来到山海关船厂社区胡玉芬老人家,再次为老人送来了米、面、油等生活用品。据派出所所长陈磊介绍,胡玉芬老人家庭贫困,又有个患有精神疾病的儿子,几年来一直都是派出所民警们的重点帮扶对象。临近春节,老人考虑到民警们顶风雪冒严寒在街上执勤巡逻特别辛苦,便走出家门到附近的服装厂捡拾废弃的材料,通过为民警们制作鞋垫的方式表达她对派出所民警的感激之情。新华社记者 杨世尧 摄 January 24,,The 76 - year - old HuYuFen(Second right)The old man will make her the insole presented to qinhuangdao development zone center station political instructor WangPengTao hands.the,Qinhuangdao development zone center station of policemen came to shanhaiguan shipyard community HuYuFen old man,Again for the old man brought the meters/surface/Oil supplies.According to police inspector Chen lei is introduced,HuYuFen old man of the families are poor,And the sons of mental illness,In the past few years has been the focus of the police station to assist object.Near the Spring Festival,The old man considering the police in the street at the cold wind and snow patrol duty especially hard,He walked out of the house to a nearby clothing factory pick up waste material,By the police make insoles way to police station police expressed her gratitude.The xinhua news agency YangShiYao perturbation
1月24日,秦皇岛市开发区中心派出所民警看望76岁的困难老人胡玉芬(左一)。新华社记者 杨世尧 摄 January 24,,Qinhuangdao development zone center station police see 76 - year - old old man HuYuFen difficulties(Left a).The xinhua news agency YangShiYao perturbation
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