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    工作人员在锦苏线长江大跨越铁塔上进行高空铁塔组立(2009年8月19日摄)。 Staff in jin Sue line across the Yangtze river big tower on the upper tower assembly(On August 19, 2009 perturbation).


    1月18日,国家科学技术奖励大会在人民大会堂召开。由国家电网公司等30家主要单位共同完成的“特高压交流输电关键技术、成套设备及工程应用”项目荣获2012年度国家科学技术进步奖特等奖。这是国家电网公司迄今为止获得的国家科技进步最高奖项,也是我国电工领域在国家科技奖上收获的最高荣誉。 1 month and day,National awards for science and technology conference held in the great hall of the people.By state grid company 30 major unit do together"Uhv ac transmission key technology/Complete set of equipment and engineering application"The project won the 2012 state science and technology progress of the special award.This is the state grid company so far have the highest national scientific and technological progress awards,China is the electrical field in the country with the highest honor in) harvest.


    2006年8月9日,1000千伏晋东南—南阳—荆门特高压交流试验示范工程获得核准。 On August 9, 2006,1000 kv southeast shanxi - nanyang - jingmen uhv ac test demonstration project for approval.


    几年来,依靠自主创新,我国全面掌握了特高压核心技术和全套设备制造能力,率先建立了特高压技术标准体系。随着晋东南—南阳—荆门1000千伏特高压交流试验示范工程、向家坝—上海±800千伏特高压直流示范工程(向上工程)投入商业运行,国家电网进入特高压交直流混合电网时代。 In the past few years,Rely on independent innovation,Our country comprehensive mastery of the uhv core technology and complete set of equipment manufacturing capacity,Take the lead in established uhv technical standard system.Along with the southeast shanxi - nanyang - jingmen 1 million kv high-voltage ac test demonstration project/Xiangjiaba - Shanghai + 800000 kv high-voltage direct current demonstration project(Up engineering)Into commercial operation,State grid into the uhv ac/dc hybrid power network era.


    2012年12月12日,由我国自主研发、设计、建设的四川锦屏—江苏苏南±800千伏特高压直流输电工程全面完成系统调试和试运行,正式投入商业运行。这项工程是公司继特高压交流和直流示范工程成功之后,建成的第三个特高压输电工程,代表了当前直流输电技术的最高水平。 On December 12, 2012,The independent research and development in our country/design/Construction of sichuan silk screen - jiangsu sunan + 800000 kv high-voltage direct current transmission project completion system debugging and commissioning,Put into commercial operation.The project is the company following the uhv ac and dc demonstration project after success,In the third uhv transmission project,Represents the current dc transmission technology of the highest level.


    2013年1月5日,皖电东送1000千伏淮南—上海特高压交流输电示范工程淮河大跨越工程完成放线施工,成功跨越淮河,国家电网第二个1000千伏特高压交流工程取得重要突破。 Jan. 5, 2013,Anhui electric east sent 1000 kv huainan - Shanghai uhv ac transmission demonstration project huai long-span steel project construction,Successful across the huaihe river,State grid second 1 million kv high-voltage ac project made significant breakthrough.


    通向浙江的另一项在建特高压工程,是±800千伏溪洛渡左岸—金华特高压直流输电工程。它建成以后,加上向家坝—上海、锦屏—苏南,3条特高压直流输电工程的输电总容量能达到2160万千瓦,水电出川,将丰富的清洁能源直送华东。 Zhejiang to another in uhv project,Is + 800 kv from xiluodu left bank - JinHuaTe HVDC transmission project.It was built after,Add xiangjiaba - Shanghai/Silk screen - southern jiangsu,Article 3 ultra HVDC transmission project transmission total capacity can reach 21.6 million kilowatts,Hydropower out sichuan,Will enrich clean energy sent straight east China.


    在世界能源领域中,特高压电网还是一个年轻的成员。特高压的角色还将更加丰富,责任还将更加重大。不远的将来,一条条能源大动脉纵横云天,将为全面建成小康社会,为经济发展提供源源不断的动力。新华社 In the world in the field of energy,Uhv grid or a member of the young.The role of the uhv will also be more rich,Responsibility also will be more important.The near future,A energy aorta aspect cloud,Will be built for the comprehensive well-off society,For economic development to provide a flow of power.The xinhua news agency hair



    施工人员在向家坝—上海特高压新吉阳长江大跨越进行架线施工作业(2009年9月28日摄)。新华社发 Construction personnel in xiangjiaba - Shanghai uhv new JiYang across the Yangtze river big for wiring construction work(In September 2009, and perturbation).The xinhua news agency hair


施工人员在新吉阳长江大跨越进行附件安装(2009年9月28日摄)。新华社发 Construction personnel in the new JiYang across the Yangtze river big for installation accessories(In September 2009, and perturbation).The xinhua news agency hair



    锦苏特高压线路新吉阳长江大跨越223米跨越塔成功高空对接(2009年8月19日摄)。新华社发 Jin surt high voltage line new JiYang across the Yangtze river crossing tower 223 meters big success upper butt(On August 19, 2009 perturbation).The xinhua news agency hair



    工作人员在对向家坝—上海±800千伏特高压直流输电线路检修(2012年2月25日摄)。新华社发 Staff in the xiangjiaba - Shanghai + 800000 kv high-voltage direct current transmission line maintenance(On February 25, 2012 perturbation).The xinhua news agency hair



    工程技术人员在对设计单位前期初步拟选的站址进行实地踏勘(2012年1月14日摄)。新华社发 Engineering and technical personnel in the design unit the preliminary quasi chosen site field reconnaissance(On January 14, 2012 perturbation).The xinhua news agency hair



    在±800千伏锦屏换流站GIS场内,运行人员在对设备进行巡视(2012年12月2日摄)。新华社发(李方宇摄) In + 800 kv silk screen GIS field converter,Staff in the equipment on a tour(December 2, 2012 perturbation).The xinhua news agency hair(LiFangYu perturbation)



    锦苏特高压工程在无人区施工过程中,工作人员通过索道运送生产物资(2012年12月1日摄)。新华社发(李方宇摄) Jin surt high voltage engineering in no man's land in the construction process,Staff through the ropeway transport production materials(On December 1, 2012 perturbation).The xinhua news agency hair(LiFangYu perturbation)



    在锦苏特高压直流工程正式投运之际,±800千伏锦屏换流站内运行人员在对站内设备进行巡视检查(2012年11月30日摄)。新华社发(李方宇摄) In the jin surt high-voltage direct current engineering of formal operation,+ 800 kv silk screen in the converter operation personnel on an inspection tour in station equipment(On November 30, 2012 perturbation).The xinhua news agency hair(LiFangYu perturbation)
