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义昌大桥坍塌事故伤者伤情稳定 病房讲述惊魂一刻--亲稳网络舆情监测室

义昌大桥坍塌事故伤者伤情稳定 病房讲述惊魂一刻 


    2月2日,河南万里集团安阳公司的司机侯全林在医院记者讲述事故发生时的情形,“前面有肇事车,我停下来去看什么情况,听到后面突然就爆炸了。”43岁的安阳人侯全林在事故中受轻伤,想起当时情景他仍心有余悸。2月1日上午9时左右,侯全林开着装有十三四吨筑路设备的解放半挂车行至事故路段附近,发现前面两辆半挂车追尾,车都停了下来,于是他也下车去查看情况。爆炸就在此时发生了。“当时不知道发生了什么,砰的一声,就把我弄跌倒了。”侯全林说,爆炸冲击波把他从坍塌桥面卷到了对面桥上,他身后的很多车都掉至桥下。侯全林幸运地躲过了灾难,而与他同车的侄子——24岁的侯艳新,却未能幸免于难。2月1日,连霍高速河南义昌大桥发生垮塌事故,目前已导致10人死亡、11人受伤。2月2日上午,记者在河南省义马市人民医院见到正接受治疗的4名伤者,目前他们的伤情稳定,向记者讲述了事故发生时的惊魂一刻。新华社记者 赵鹏 摄     On February 2,The group of henan anyang company HouQuanLin driver in the hospital told reporters at the time of the accident about the situation,"Trouble-causing car ahead,I stopped to see what circumstance,Hear the suddenly blew up."43, anyang HouQuanLin people injured in the accident,Think of situation he still jittery.February 1 at around 9 am,HouQuanLin open dress has ShiSanSiDun road equipment liberation semi step to accident near the road,The two found a semi trailer behind,The car is stopped,So he got off to check the situation.Explosion in happened at this time."Didn't know what happened,With a bang,Will I got offended."HouQuanLin said,Explosion wave took him out of the collapsed bridge deck roll to the other side on the bridge,Many of the car behind him out to the bridge.HouQuanLin luckily escaped the disaster,And with him the car's nephew, 24 years old HouYanXin,Failed to survived.On February 1,,Huo high-speed henan YiChang bridge collapsed accident,At present has led to 10 people died/11 people were injured.On February 2, morning,Reporter in henan province people's hospital of righteousness horse city meet is treated for four wounded,Now their injury stability,To the reporters about the accident happened at the moment.The xinhua news agency ZhaoPeng perturbation

义昌大桥坍塌事故伤者伤情稳定 病房讲述惊魂一刻

    侯全林驾驶的货车在事故中掉至桥下(2月1日摄)。2月1日,连霍高速河南义昌大桥发生垮塌事故,目前已导致10人死亡、11人受伤。2月2日上午,记者在河南省义马市人民医院见到正接受治疗的4名伤者,目前他们的伤情稳定,向记者讲述了事故发生时的惊魂一刻。新华社记者 赵鹏 摄     HouQuanLin driving trucks in the accident off to the bridge(On February 1st shot).On February 1,,Huo high-speed henan YiChang bridge collapsed accident,At present has led to 10 people died/11 people were injured.On February 2, morning,Reporter in henan province people's hospital of righteousness horse city meet is treated for four wounded,Now their injury stability,To the reporters about the accident happened at the moment.The xinhua news agency ZhaoPeng perturbation

义昌大桥坍塌事故伤者伤情稳定 病房讲述惊魂一刻

    2月2日,吴亚丽(右)和丈夫一起在医院接受治疗。“车多,追尾多,玻璃都碎了,车头也扁了……”25岁的吴亚丽回忆,现场一片混乱。当时她坐在丈夫万利军开的货车上,看到前面发生事故就慢慢停下来,结果后面一个半挂车追尾撞上他们,又冲到前面,撞上了其它车辆。吴亚丽说,爆炸发生在当时自己车辆的前方。但是,“追尾比较多,很响,也不知道到底是啥爆炸了。”她说,发生追尾后万利军的双腿被夹住,自己的胳膊和脚也受伤了,比较惊慌,没注意别的。吴亚丽夫妻是在漯河市源汇区做水果生意的,趁着过年前,从西安采购回一货车苹果和梨,没料到遇上这种事。看到因小腿开放性骨折而躺着沉默不语的丈夫,吴亚丽眼圈红了。她提到,连霍高速这一段路一直不好走,弯多、坡大、车多,当日雾也很大。2月1日,连霍高速河南义昌大桥发生垮塌事故,目前已导致10人死亡、11人受伤。2月2日上午,记者在河南省义马市人民医院见到正接受治疗的4名伤者,目前他们的伤情稳定,向记者讲述了事故发生时的惊魂一刻。新华社记者 赵鹏 摄     On February 2,WuYaLi(right)And her husband together in hospital."More cars,Behind many,The glass broke,Driving is also flat..."At the age of 25 WuYaLi memories,The confusion.She was sitting on her husband WanLiJun open truck,See in front of the accident to stop slowly,One and a half behind the trailer car tracing cauda into them,And rushed to the front,Hit the other vehicles.WuYaLi said,The explosion was in the front of the car was.but,"Tailgating more,A loud,Also don't know what is the explosion."She said,Happened after the car tracing cauda WanLiJun legs are clamps,His arms and legs are also injured,Is panic,Don't pay attention to other.A husband and wife is WuYaLi in LeiHeShi source and sink area make fruit business,Before the Spring Festival, the,From xian to purchase a truck apples and pears,Didn't expect in this kind of thing.See because of leg open fractures and lay silent husband,WuYaLi eye red.She mentioned,Huo high-speed this section of the road has been bad go,Bend more/Slope big/More cars,The fog is very big also.On February 1,,Huo high-speed henan YiChang bridge collapsed accident,At present has led to 10 people died/11 people were injured.On February 2, morning,Reporter in henan province people's hospital of righteousness horse city meet is treated for four wounded,Now their injury stability,To the reporters about the accident happened at the moment.The xinhua news agency ZhaoPeng perturbation

义昌大桥坍塌事故伤者伤情稳定 病房讲述惊魂一刻

    2月2日,程钢生的妻子站在病床前守候。河南省平顶山郏县人程钢生由于多发性肋骨骨折,每呼吸一下就疼痛难忍,躺在病床上的他不断呻吟。他的妻子说,送医至今,他几乎没力气说话,偶尔开口也只是喊疼。家属无从得知程钢生在短短瞬间经历了什么,只知道他像2年运输生涯中的无数次那样,开着半挂车行驶在从成都往北京的路上,2个孩子还等着他回家过年。2月1日,连霍高速河南义昌大桥发生垮塌事故,目前已导致10人死亡、11人受伤。2月2日上午,记者在河南省义马市人民医院见到正接受治疗的4名伤者,目前他们的伤情稳定,向记者讲述了事故发生时的惊魂一刻。新华社记者 赵鹏 摄     On February 2,ChengGang born wife stood in bed waiting before.Henan pingdingshan ChengGang jiaxian people born due to multiple fractured ribs,Every breath it is so painful,Lying in bed he continuously moan.His wife said,Hospital has,He almost had no strength to speak,Occasionally open is just shout pain.Family is no way to know for ChengGang born in just a moment experience,Only know that he is like 2 years of transportation career that many times,Open semi trailer driving on the way from chengdu to Beijing,Two children are waiting for him to return home for the New Year.On February 1,,Huo high-speed henan YiChang bridge collapsed accident,At present has led to 10 people died/11 people were injured.On February 2, morning,Reporter in henan province people's hospital of righteousness horse city meet is treated for four wounded,Now their injury stability,To the reporters about the accident happened at the moment.The xinhua news agency ZhaoPeng perturbation
