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    已在福建泉州市打工15年的江西宜春籍农民工黄香礼(左)一家第一次骑摩托车返乡,这是黄香礼在向女儿(中)介绍此次回家的路线图(2月5日摄)。当日,由企业等单位联合举办的“闽赣携手行·温馨返乡路”活动启动,近千名江西籍农民工组成的返乡摩托车队从著名侨乡泉州和福州同时出发,农民工返乡的路程大约700公里。据介绍,活动组织方在福建和江西境内的40个加油站设安全服务站,并准备了桌椅、电烧开水桶,等待迎接返乡农民工车队的到来,这些安全服务站将为这些骑摩托车返乡的务工人员免费加油,提供免费的饭菜、茶水等。春节临近,各地返乡铁骑大军人数逐渐增加,有关部门提醒骑摩托车返乡的广大务工人员:回家过年,注意安全。新华社记者 魏培全 摄      Quanzhou city in fujian province has been working 15 years of jiangxi yichun record HuangXiangLi migrant workers(left)A first ride a motorcycle coming home,This is HuangXiangLi in to his daughter(in)Introduce the route home(On February 5 perturbation).the,By the enterprise, and other units, jointly organized"Jiangxi fujian to line ofcharm warm home road"Activity initiated,Thousands of migrant workers in jiangxi province by the motorcycle teams from a famous overseas Chinese hometown quanzhou and fuzhou on at the same time,Migrant workers return home about 700 kilometers away.According to introducing,Activity organization party in fujian and jiangxi within the territory of the gas station and a security service station,And prepare the desks and chairs/Electric to boil water,Waiting for the arrival of the migrant workers to meet the team,These safety service station for the motorcycle the migrant workers free gas,Provide free food/Tea and other.The Spring Festival is near,The army all fighters number to increase gradually,The relevant departments to remind the motorcycle the migrant workers:To return home for the New Year,Pay attention to safety.The xinhua news agency WeiPeiQuan perturbation 


    在福建泉州“闽赣携手行·温馨返乡路”活动现场,400多名江西籍农民工组成的返乡摩托车队准备出发(2月5日摄)。新华社记者 魏培全 摄     In fujian quanzhou"Jiangxi fujian to line ofcharm warm home road"The activity at the site,More than 400 jiangxi record of migrant workers return motorcycle teams ready to go(On February 5 perturbation).The xinhua news agency WeiPeiQuan perturbation


    冒着细雨出发的返乡务工人员,他们大约要花费一天一夜时间才能到达家乡(2月5日摄)。新华社记者 魏培全 摄     Take a rain start coming home migrant workers,They were about to spend a day and a night time to get home(On February 5 perturbation).The xinhua news agency WeiPeiQuan perturbation


行驶在泉州市区的返乡“铁骑大军”(2月5日摄)。新华社记者 魏培全 摄 Driving on the quanzhou area"Fighters army"(On February 5 perturbation).The xinhua news agency WeiPeiQuan perturbation


    泉州边防志愿者服务队工作人员(右)为骑摩托车返乡的务工人员分发道路交通安全法规宣传单(2月5日摄)。新华社记者 魏培全 摄     Quanzhou frontier volunteer service staff(right)To ride a motorcycle of migrant workers in the distribution of road traffic safety laws and regulations flyer(On February 5 perturbation).The xinhua news agency WeiPeiQuan perturbation
