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    1月28日,几名旅客在上海沿江高速路上候车,路旁的警示牌上醒目标注着行人禁止上高速(大图),两名准备在高速路上乘车的旅客翻越高速路护栏(小图)。据统计,春运期间客流量将会突破34亿人次,其中公路客运量为31亿人次,和铁路、航空相比,公路客运由于客运量巨大,因此管理难度也更大。今年的春运才刚刚开始十余天,河南、四川、甘肃、贵州四个省份先后发生特大交通事故,已经有近50个鲜活的生命无缘2013年春节,令人悲叹!但是,淋漓的鲜血是否真正唤醒了运输企业和社会各界的安全运输意识?记者连日来的调查发现,事实并非如此,就在我们的身边,黑车上路拉客、车辆严重超载、高速公路停车上下客、检查形同虚设……如此漠视运输安全和乘客安危的事情仍然存在,公路春运乱象亟待治理。新华社记者 裴鑫 摄      1 month and day,A few passengers in Shanghai high speed along the way well,The warning sign marked on the label with the ban on high speed(over),Two preparation in high speed road passenger to ride over the highway guardrail(insets).According to the statistics,During the Spring Festival transportation passenger flow will break through 3.4 billion people,The highway passenger capacity for 3.1 billion people,And railway/Than air,Highway passenger transport due to the huge volume of passenger traffic,So the management difficulty also bigger.This year's Spring Festival is just beginning more than ten days,henan/sichuan/gansu/Guizhou four provinces has large traffic accident happened,Nearly fifty fresh life in 2013 for the Spring Festival,A lamentation!but,Dripping blood really aroused transport enterprise and the social from all walks of life safety transportation consciousness?Reporter days of survey found,The truth is not so,Is all around us,Soliciting the black car/Vehicle serious overload/Highway and guest parking/Check was largely invisible...So indifferent to transportation safety and passenger safety things still exist,Highway travel the mess to management.The xinhua news agency PeiXin perturbation 


    在河南省上蔡县县城发往东岸乡的县乡公路中巴上,车厢的过道里放着长凳(1月29日摄)。新华社记者 朱祥 摄     ShangCaiXian county in henan province sent to east coast of China township of county and township government highway on,The aisle of car put bench(January 29 perturbation).The xinhua news agency ZhuXiang perturbation


    2月1日,甘肃天水市麦积区中滩镇几名村民乘坐一辆小摩的出行,这个小摩的共有3个座位,居然挤下了6人,后排两个座位上挤了4人。新华社记者 聂建江 摄     On February 1,,Gansu TianShuiShi wheat product area of beach town several villagers in a small car the travel,The little the has three seats,Incredibly crowded the six people,The back two seat crowded four people.The xinhua news agency NieJianJiang perturbation


    1月28日,众多旅客在上海沿江高速公路上海段的路边候车(拼版照片)。新华社记者 裴鑫 摄     1 month and day,Many passengers in Shanghai Shanghai section along the highway roadside waiting(Makeup photos).The xinhua news agency PeiXin perturbation


    2月2日,在北京火车站西侧停车场内,几名旅客在向一辆中巴车内的男子购买去哈尔滨的长途汽车票。新华社记者 罗晓光 摄     On February 2,At the Beijing railway station in the west of the parking lot,A few passengers in the car to a man ZhongBaChe inside buy go to Harbin long-distance bus tickets.The xinhua news agency LuoXiaoGuang perturbation


    上图:一辆没有营运资格的车辆在上海沿江高速上停车揽客;下图:一名旅客在嘉定长途客运站外登上一辆驶往苏北方向的客车(1月28日摄,拼版照片)。新华社记者 裴鑫 摄     the:A car with no operation qualification of the vehicles in Shanghai along the river highway LanKe parking;the:A passenger in jiading long-distance passenger depot outside northern boarded a bus to the direction of the bus(1 month and day perturbation,Makeup photos).The xinhua news agency PeiXin perturbation


    2月3日,众多旅客在郑州客运总站准备乘车。当天是农历小年,郑州客运迎来高峰,全市10个主要汽车场站发送旅客预计超过15万人。新华社记者 朱祥 摄     On February 3,,Many passengers in zhengzhou passenger terminal ready to ride.The day is lunar off year,Zhengzhou passenger enjoyed,The ten major automobile plaza send passenger is expected to more than 150000 people.The xinhua news agency ZhuXiang perturbation


    2月1日,准备前往哈尔滨的旅客在北京木樨园桥西北角百荣世贸商城南门外等候,准备装运的行李随意堆放上车,现场没有任何安检设备和安检措施。新华社记者 罗晓光 摄     On February 1,,Prepared to go to Harbin visitors in Beijing muxiyuan bridge the northwest and south door waiting for trade information,Prepare shipment luggage on piles up at will,Field without any security equipment and security measures.The xinhua news agency LuoXiaoGuang perturbation


    1月31日,从甘肃天水秦州区开往汪川镇的中巴车超载10人,乘客挤在过道、引擎盖上。新华社记者 聂建江 摄     On January 31,,From gansu tianshui qin ZhouOu to WangChuan town ZhongBaChe overload ten people,Passengers crowded in the corridor/hood.The xinhua news agency NieJianJiang perturbation
