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拉萨:张灯结彩迎新春 Lhasa:Decorations usher in New Year


    布达拉宫前摆放着象征五谷丰登的巨型“切玛”(2月8日摄)。今年的农历春节和藏历新年前后相差一天。拉萨街头张灯结彩,迎接农历蛇年和藏历水蛇年的到来。新华社记者 觉果 摄     Before the potala palace is a symbol of a bumper grain harvest giant"Cut and"(On February 8 perturbation).The Chinese lunar New Year this year and before and after the Tibetan New Year by one day.Lhasa street decorations,The lunar year of the snake and the Tibetan water snake the arrival of the year.The xinhua news agency JiaoGuo perturbation


    布达拉宫前装点着象征吉祥的图案(2月8日摄)。新华社记者 觉果 摄     The potala palace before decorate the symbol of auspicious patterns(On February 8 perturbation).The xinhua news agency JiaoGuo perturbation


    拉萨龙王潭公园悬挂红灯笼,迎接春节和藏历新年(2月9日摄)。新华社记者 觉果 摄     Lhasa LongWangTan park hang red lantern,To meet the Spring Festival and the Tibetan New Year(On February 9, taken).The xinhua news agency JiaoGuo perturbation

北京地庙会喜迎蛇年新春 Beijing ditan temple fair celebrate the New Year of the snake


    2月9日,狮子舞为北京地坛庙会增添喜庆气氛。当日,第28届北京地坛春节文化庙会开幕。地坛春节庙会以地道民俗和传统民间、多彩民族特色闻名,今年有仿清祭地表演、大型民间花会、老北京天桥绝活等7项文化演出,汇聚民俗文化互动、各地特色小吃等市井元素,同时坛庙文化展览、非物质文化遗产展示等主题活动进一步丰富了庙会文化内涵。地坛庙会自2月9日(农历腊月廿九)至2月16日(农历正月初七)举办,8天内将有200场演出与活动,让游人感受红火热烈的节日喜庆气氛。新华社记者 张旭 摄     On February 9,,Lion dance for Beijing ditan temple fair add festival atmosphere.the,At the 29th Beijing ditan temple fair opening the Spring Festival culture.The Spring Festival in ditan temple fair tunnel folk and traditional folk/Is famous for its colorful ethnic characteristics,This year the imitation clear to show/Large folk show/Old Beijing bridge stage 7 cultural performance,Convergent folk cultural interaction/All the elements characteristics snacks, etc,At the same time the altar temple culture exhibition/Intangible cultural heritage demonstrated theme activities further enrich the temple fair culture connotation.Ditan temple fair since February 9,(The lunar month including)To February 16,(The seventh day of the first lunar month)held,Eight days there will be 200 performances and activities,Let visitors feel prosperous warm festival festival atmosphere.Xinhua news agency reporter zhang, xu perturbation


    2月9日,台湾同胞在北京地坛庙会上载歌载舞。 新华社记者 张旭 摄     On February 9,,Taiwan compatriots in Beijing ditan temple fair dance on. Xinhua news agency reporter zhang, xu perturbation


    这是2月9日拍摄的北京地坛庙会上的年货街。 新华社记者 张旭 摄     This is taken on February 9, Beijing ditan temple fair often on the street. Xinhua news agency reporter zhang, xu perturbation


    2月9日,北京地坛庙会迎来各方宾客。 新华社记者 张旭 摄     On February 9,,Beijing ditan temple fair welcome guests all over the world. Xinhua news agency reporter zhang, xu perturbation

苗族同胞欢度除夕 Miao nationality to celebrate the New Year's eve


    2月9日,在贵州省龙里县龙山镇坝上村,苗族群众在为在农家乐里过年的客人敬酒。当日是农历除夕,贵州省各地苗族同胞贴春联、做年夜饭,载歌载舞喜迎新春佳节。新华社记者 杨楹 摄     On February 9,,In guizhou province LongShanZhen LongLiXian dam village,Miao people in the farm for the New Year's day guests to propose a toast.That day is Chinese New Year's eve,Guizhou miao nationality all put up Spring Festival couplets/eve,Singing and celebrate the Spring Festival.The xinhua news agency YangYing perturbation


    2月9日,贵州省龙里县龙山镇坝上村苗族群众正在贴春联。 新华社记者 杨楹 摄     On February 9,,Guizhou province LongShanZhen LongLiXian dam village miao people are put up Spring Festival couplets. The xinhua news agency YangYing perturbation


    2月9日,在贵州省龙里县龙山镇坝上村,苗族群众王德林家在展示为年夜饭做的菜。新华社记者 杨楹 摄     On February 9,,In guizhou province LongShanZhen LongLiXian dam village,Lin miao people in WangDe show for the New Year's eve dinner cooking.The xinhua news agency YangYing perturbation

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