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    2月9日,工人在东北特钢集团大连基地高合金线材生产线炼钢作业区忙碌。当日是农历除夕,在东北特钢集团大连基地,2500多名员工坚守岗位,在劳动中迎接农历新年。新华社发(刘德斌 摄) On February 9,,Workers in the northeast special steel group dalian base high alloy steel wire production line busy operation area.That day is Chinese New Year's eve,In the northeast special steel group dalian base,More than 2500 employees hold position,In the work of the lunar New Year.The xinhua news agency hair(LiuDeBin perturbation)



    2月9日,工人邢向前在东北特钢集团大连基地钢水优化生产线巡检水渣传送带运行情况。新华社发(刘德斌 摄) On February 9,,Workers in the northeast special steel group xing forward dalian base steel optimization production line checking water slag belt operation.The xinhua news agency hair(LiuDeBin perturbation)



    2月9日,工人周庆顺在东北特钢集团大连基地钢丝生产线热处理作业区忙碌。新华社发(刘德斌 摄) On February 9,,Workers ZhouQingShun in northeast special steel group dalian base steel wire production line heat treatment operation area busy.The xinhua news agency hair(LiuDeBin perturbation)



    2月9日,内蒙古通辽铁路车辆段南运用车间的检车员目送一列货物列车驶过。 当日是农历除夕,内蒙古通辽铁路车辆段南运用车间的检车员们冒着严寒坚守工作岗位,精心检查过往列车,确保节日铁路运输安全。新华社发(宫文波 摄) On February 9,,Inner Mongolia TongLiao railway car depot south using workshop inspection car member look after a list of goods train past. That day is Chinese New Year's eve,Inner Mongolia TongLiao railway car depot south using workshop inspection car members who braved cold stuck to his post,Carefully check the passing train,Ensure that festival railway transportation safety.The xinhua news agency hair(GongWenBo perturbation)



    2月9日,辽宁大连周水子边防检查站的女警官将新年礼物送给两名入境的小朋友。当日是农历除夕,辽宁大连周水子边防检查站的执勤人员放弃与家人团圆的机会,日夜轮班坚守在工作岗位。新华社发(孙模同 摄) On February 9,,Dalian in liaoning ZhouShuiZi frontier inspection station of female police officers will be New Year gift for two entry of children.That day is Chinese New Year's eve,Dalian in liaoning ZhouShuiZi frontier inspection station of duty personnel to give up the opportunity with family reunion,Day and night shift stick to in the work.The xinhua news agency hair(SunMoTong perturbation)



    2月9日,河北省秦皇岛市妇幼医院的医护人员在为一名待产妈妈进行产前监测和心理疏导。当日是农历除夕,秦皇岛市妇幼医院的医护人员坚守岗位,在节日期间为待产妈妈和新生儿妈妈带来产前和产后的特别呵护。新华社发(刘光昱 摄) On February 9,,Qinhuangdao in hebei province maternal and child hospital for medical personnel in a labor mother antenatal monitoring and psychological counseling.That day is Chinese New Year's eve,Qinhuangdao maternal and child hospital medical personnel hold position,During the festival for labor mother and neonatal mother bring prenatal and postpartum special care.The xinhua news agency hair(Liu yu perturbation)
