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    2月10日,北京客运段的实习列车员胡安平在西宁西站引导乘客上车。刚参加工作的90后姑娘胡安平第一次在列车上过年,她希望新的一年好好工作,早点转正成为正式员工。当日是大年初一,是万家团聚欢度新春到来之时,在新年的第一天,许多人却坚守在工作一线,为了让大家能过一个平安、快乐、整洁的春节默默奉献着。新华社发(吴刚 摄) February 10,Beijing KeYunDuan internship conductor HuAnPing in xining west railway station guide passengers get on the car.Just to work after 90 HuAnPing girl for the first time on the train New Year's day,She hoped that the New Year work hard,To become a full member became a formal staff.That day is the first day of the lunar year,To celebrate the Spring Festival is approaching is reunited when,On the first day of the New Year,But many people to work in a line,In order to make everyone can have a peace/happy/Clean the Spring Festival the silent dedication.The xinhua news agency hair(WuGang perturbation)



    2月10日,56岁的环卫工人胡明梅在西宁市的街道上打扫卫生。家住青海省互助县的胡明梅每天3点半就要起床工作,她说:“把街道打扫干净是我们的工作,希望以后路人少随手丢垃圾。”新华社发(吴刚 摄) February 10,56 years old HuMingMei sanitation worker in xining city streets clean health.Qinghai huzhu county in the HuMingMei every day to get up at half past three will work,She said:"The streets clean is our work,Hope there l less with throw rubbish."The xinhua news agency hair(WuGang perturbation)



    2月10日,47岁的保安周永春在保安室内值班,周永春已在这个不到7平方米的板房内度过了五个春节,他说一个人过年已经习惯了。新华社发(吴刚 摄) February 10,47, security ZhouYongChun in security indoor duty,ZhouYongChun already in this less than seven square meters in the board of the spent five Spring Festival,He said that a person has been used to the Chinese New Year.The xinhua news agency hair(WuGang perturbation)



    2月10日,西宁西客站的站台执勤民警范镕显在帮助乘客提行李。28岁的范镕显已经在岗位上度过3个春节。他希望新的一年工作更上一层楼,早日找到心仪的那个她。新华社发(吴刚 摄) February 10,Xining west railway station platform duty police van rong show in helping passenger luggage.And old van rong show has been in post through three Spring Festival.He wants a New Year work more on a floor,As soon as possible to find the right that she.The xinhua news agency hair(WuGang perturbation)



    2月10日,西宁市黄河路派出所民警杨文毅在监控室内查看道路情况。工作10年的杨文毅希望来年能给市民创造一个更加安全有序的社区环境。新华社发(吴刚 摄) February 10,Xining dimness police station YangWenYi police in monitoring interior view road condition.Work ten years YangWenYi hope the coming year can give people to create a safer, more orderly community environment.The xinhua news agency hair(WuGang perturbation)
