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       2月17日,寻甸回族彝族自治县仁德镇钟灵山后村的苗族群众在解放军修建的爱民水窖排队接水。当日,记者走访了云南省寻甸回族彝族自治县仁德镇旱情较重的鲁贝、钟灵山、普家村等村寨,所到之处,几个水库濒临干涸,小春农作物受灾严重。据统计,该县自2012年10月至今基本没有明显降水,气温偏高,土壤和植被含水率较低,旱情明显,粮食、经济作物受灾严重,受灾面积大。目前,全县已有多个乡镇的13685人、9040头大牲畜饮水困难,61150亩农作物受灾。针对严峻的旱情,该县正采取各种措施抗旱救灾,确保全县人畜饮水安全。新华社记者杨宗友摄 On February 17,,He found the hui yi autonomous county rende town ZhongLing ShanHouCun of miao people in the people's liberation army (PLA) loving built water cellar queue to water.the,The reporter interviewed the hui nationality autonomous county of yunnan province found he yi rende town drought heavier roubaix/ZhongLing mountain/General home village and village,wherever,Several reservoir is on the verge of dry,Doing the worst-hit crops.According to the statistics,The county since October 2012 has basic no obvious precipitation,Air temperature on the high side,Soil and vegetation moisture content is low,Drought obvious,food/Economic crops affected seriously,The affected area is large.At present,For the more than 13685 people in villages and towns/9040 head DaShengChu drinking water difficulties,The 61150 acres of crops.According to the severe drought,The county is taking various measures to drought disaster relief,To ensure the safety of drinking water people and livestock.The xinhua news agency YangZongYou perturbation


    2月17日,寻甸回族彝族自治县仁德镇钟灵山后村的一名苗族妇女背水回家。     On February 17,,He found the hui yi autonomous county town ShanHouCun rende ZhongLing a miao women water back home.新华社记者杨宗友摄 The xinhua news agency YangZongYou perturbation


    2月17日,寻甸回族彝族自治县仁德镇钟灵山后村的一名苗族老人从受旱灾影响的菜地里走过。     On February 17,,He found the hui yi autonomous county town ShanHouCun rende ZhongLing a miao old man from the affected by drought in the vegetable through.新华社记者杨宗友摄 The xinhua news agency YangZongYou perturbation


    2月17日,寻甸回族彝族自治县仁德镇普家村的徐贵才拉着牛到濒临干涸的水库饮水。     On February 17,,He found the hui yi autonomous county rende town at home village XuGuiCai took the bull to near the water reservoir.新华社记者杨宗友摄 The xinhua news agency YangZongYou perturbation


    2月17日,寻甸回族彝族自治县仁德镇中桥社区的马进福主任在玉泉坝水库焦虑地说:“持续的干旱使得水库里的水已经不多了。”新华社记者杨宗友摄     On February 17,,He found the hui yi autonomous county rende town intermediate axle community MaJinFu director in diabetes dam reservoir anxiety to say:"Continuous drought makes water pool of water is not too much."The xinhua news agency YangZongYou perturbation
