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全国中小学生艺术展演 师生庆元宵“踩街”献艺--亲稳舆论引导监测室

全国中小学生艺术展演 师生庆元宵“踩街”献艺

    2月23日,在福建厦门中山路步行街,厦门五缘实验小学的学生在表演铃鼓舞。当日恰逢正月十四,正在福建厦门参加全国第四届中小学生艺术展演的500余名师生参加了庆元宵“踩街”活动,他们走上中山路步行街,为市民带来一场精彩表演。全国第四届中小学生艺术展演活动20日晚在厦门闽南大戏院开幕。来自全国31个省区市、新疆生产建设兵团、港澳台的726所中小学校的7000余名师生将参加在厦门举办的各项展演活动,整个活动将持续到2月26日。新华社记者 金立旺 摄     On February 23,,In xiamen, fujian zhongshan road pedestrian street,Xiamen five edge experiment elementary school students in performance bell encouraged.Attention on the fourteenth,Xiamen, fujian province is in the fourth national terms of pupils art show more than 500 teachers and students attended the celebration of sweet dumplings"On street"activities,They took to zhongshan road pedestrian street,For people with a brilliant performance.The fourth national terms pupil art exhibitions twenty days late in xiamen minnan the grand theater opening.From these 31/Xinjiang production and construction corps/Hong Kong, macau, 726 primary and secondary schools in more than 7000 teachers and students will be held in xiamen the performance activities,The whole activity will continue until February 26,.The xinhua news agency JinLiWang perturbation

全国中小学生艺术展演 师生庆元宵“踩街”献艺

   2月23日,在福建厦门中山路步行街,青海省玉树县中学生原生态歌舞艺术团的学生在表演舞蹈《欢腾的草原》。新华社记者 金立旺 摄    On February 23,,In xiamen, fujian zhongshan road pedestrian street,Yushu county of qinghai province high school students in original song and dance troupe dance performance[Effervescence of the grassland].The xinhua news agency JinLiWang perturbation

全国中小学生艺术展演 师生庆元宵“踩街”献艺

   2月23日,在福建厦门中山路步行街,宁夏艺术学校的学生在表演舞蹈《花儿漫漫》。新华社记者 金立旺 摄    On February 23,,In xiamen, fujian zhongshan road pedestrian street,Ningxia art school students in the dance performance[Flowers long].The xinhua news agency JinLiWang perturbation

全国中小学生艺术展演 师生庆元宵“踩街”献艺

  2月23日,在福建厦门中山路步行街,四川绵阳少年宫博远艺术职业学校的学生在表演舞蹈《雪》。新华社记者 金立旺 摄   On February 23,,In xiamen, fujian zhongshan road pedestrian street,In mianyang, sichuan children's palace rich far art vocational school students in the dance performance[snow].The xinhua news agency JinLiWang perturbation

全国中小学生艺术展演 师生庆元宵“踩街”献艺

   2月23日,在福建厦门中山路步行街,厦门市思明区梧村小学的学生表演舞蹈《红红的中国结》。新华社记者 金立旺 摄    On February 23,,In xiamen, fujian zhongshan road pedestrian street,Xiamen the Amoy area the village elementary school students dance performance[Red Chinese knot].The xinhua news agency JinLiWang perturbation
