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   2月22日,浦江县黄宅镇钟村参加板凳舞龙活动的百姓们行进在乡村中。元宵节临近,浙江省金华市浦江县的各个村镇开始举办一年一度的板凳舞龙活动。家家户户扛起板凳舞龙,是当地农家新年里的头等大事。浦江板凳龙,又称为长灯,由龙头、龙身和龙尾三部分组成。一条龙从头到尾,由几十节、几百节甚至上千节板凳串联而成,长度从数百米到几千米不等。2006年,浦江板凳龙被文化部列入首批国家级非物质文化遗产。在浦江县,起灯的时间一般是农历正月初十,一般每户出一人一条板凳,村子越大,龙越长,舞龙的难度也越高,也最具观赏性,相邻的几个乡村通常还会把板凳龙舞到一起,相互比较谁的龙更长、更漂亮、舞得更起劲。各村各镇色彩绚丽的板凳龙在节日里走街串巷,热闹起舞,预示着来年风调雨顺,家家户户快乐吉祥。新华社记者 徐昱 摄 On February 22nd,,Pujiang Huang Zhai town chung village participate in bench dragon dance activity of people travel in the country.The Lantern Festival is near,Jinhua city, zhejiang province, pujiang county each villages and towns began the annual bench dragon dance activity.Families carry bench dragon dance,The most important thing is a local farm in the New Year.Pujiang bench dragon,Also known as long lamp,By the leader/Dragons and beaten in three parts.A dragon from the beginning to the end,By dozens of day/Section section hundreds or even thousands of bench series,Length range from hundreds meters to thousands meters.In 2006,,Pujiang bench dragon by the ministry of culture listed in the first batch of state-level non-material cultural heritage.In pujiang,Up the lamp of the time is usually the 10th day of the first lunar month,Generally each a man on a bench,The greater the village,The longer the dragon,The difficulty of dragon dance is also higher,Also the most entertaining,Several adjacent rural often put the bench dragon dance together,Who compare dragon is longer/Even more beautiful/Dance and more motivated.Villages towns colorful bench dragon are done in the holiday period,Lively dance,Bodes well for the coming year good crop,Every family happy auspicious.Xinhua news agency reporter xu yu perturbation


      2月22日,浦江县黄宅镇钟村的百姓们在当地一所中学的广场上舞动一条近千米长的板凳龙。新华社记者 徐昱 摄       On February 22nd,,Pujiang Huang Zhai town chung village of people at a local high school a nearly kilometers long bench dragon dancing in the square.Xinhua news agency reporter xu yu perturbation
