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    这是大同煤矿集团塔山循环经济园区塔山煤矿储煤仓(2月26日摄)。目前,园区工业固体废弃物综合利用率达到100%,园区生活和工业废水经过污水处理厂处理后再利用,基本做到了废水零排放。  The datong coal mine group bukit asam circular economy park hill of coal storage bunker(On February 26, taken).At present,Park industrial solid waste comprehensive utilization rate of 100%,Campus life and industrial waste water reuse after sewage treatment plant,Basic waste water zero discharge.

    “到2015年,山西传统产业循环率将达90%。”在山西省政府日前公布的《山西省循环经济发展“十二五”规划》中,循环经济成为推动山西从高碳产业向低碳发展,改善生态环境、建设“美丽山西”的基本路径。     "By 2015,Shanxi traditional industry circulation rate will reach 90%."In Shanxi Province government has released[Development of circular economy in Shanxi Province"The 12th five-year"planning]In the,Shanxi to promote circular economy become from a high-carbon to low-carbon industries development,Improve the ecological environment/Construction of the"Beautiful shanxi"The basic path of.

    作为典型的资源型地区,山西形成了单一化、重型化的产业结构,重工业产业占工业总产值的95%以上,煤炭、焦化、冶金、电力四大传统产业增加值占工业增加值的85%以上,煤炭又占到工业经济的40%以上。     As a typical resource-based regions,Shanxi formed the simplification/ChongXingHua industrial structure,Heavy industry accounts for over 95% of the gross value of industrial output,coal/coking/metallurgy/Electricity four big added value of traditional industries account for more than 85% of industrial output,Coal has accounted for over 40% of the industrial economy.

    数据显示,山西每年采煤可排出5亿多吨矿井水,是对全省水资源匮乏的极大补充;山西每年产生1亿多吨煤矸石和3000多万吨粉煤灰,不仅可支撑“十二五”末煤矸石发电装机达到3000万千瓦,还可以用来开发新型墙体材料、微晶玻璃等产品;随着煤层气抽采技术的提高,占全国总量1/3的10万亿立方米煤层气也将成为清洁高效的新型能源。     According to data,Shanxi coal mining can discharge 500 million tons each year of mine water,Is a great supplement for the lack of water resources;Each year more than 100 million tons of coal gangue in shanxi, and more than 3000, ten thousand tons of fly ash,Not only can support"The 12th five-year"At the end of the coal gangue power generation capacity reached 30 million kilowatts,Can also be used to develop new wall materials/Microcrystalline glass, etc;With the improvement of coalbed methane extraction technology,One-third of the national total of 10 trillion cubic meters of coalbed methane will become a clean and efficient new energy.

    2012年10月,《山西省循环经济促进条例》已正式施行。据了解,目前山西传统产业循环率在60%左右,与2015年的发展目标相差30%。从行业上看,焦化、电力等行业循环率均在80%以上,煤炭、化工等行业循环率较低,在50%左右。新华社记者 詹彦 摄     In October 2012,[Circular economy promotes the regulation of Shanxi Province]Has formally implemented.We have learned,At present in shanxi traditional industry circulation rate at about 60%,With the development goals within 30% in 2015.From the industry point of view,coking/Electric power industry such as circulation rate is above 80%,coal/Chemical and other industries circulation rate is low,At around 50%.The xinhua news agency reporters ZhanYan perturbation


    这是由粉煤灰制成的仿木地板、耐火纤维、耐火砖、楼梯扶手(拼版照片 1月16日摄)。在山西省朔州市固废综合利用工业园区,昔日令人头痛的工业废渣在这里“摇身一变”,得到循环利用,成为绿色环保的建筑材料。     This is imitation wood floor made of fly ash/Refractory fiber/Refractory brick/Stair handrail(Puzzle photos taken on January 16th).In Shanxi Province ShuoZhouShi solid waste comprehensive utilization of industrial park,Former industrial waste residue of headache here"suddenly",For reuse,Become green environmental protection building material.新华社记者 詹彦 摄 The xinhua news agency reporters ZhanYan perturbation
