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    从景山公园山顶眺望北京中轴线北部的鼓楼大街(3月11日摄)。北京市东城区将从2013年起开始在现有旅游设施的基础上对“中轴线”区域内的旅游资源进行整合和提升,形成前门传统市井文化商业区、传统皇城文化观光区、传统皇城生活体验区三大板块,并将进一步完善旅游区域内的交通、环境、休憩、咨询等旅游公共服务体系条件。北京中轴线,南起永定门,向北依次经过正阳门、大明门(清代称大清门,民国称中华门,后被拆除)、天安门、端门、午门、太和门、太和殿、中和殿、保和殿、乾清门、乾清宫、坤宁宫、神武门、北上门(后被拆除)、景山最高点万春亭、寿皇殿、地安门(后被拆除)、鼓楼,最后直抵钟楼,全长7.8公里。这条中轴线串联着四重城,即外城、内城、皇城和紫禁城。北京城以这条中轴线为中心,形成了“东西对称”的棋盘式格局。新华社记者 李欣 摄     From jingshan park to the top of the hill overlooking central axis gulou dajie in the north of Beijing(March 11 is taken).Beijing dongcheng district from 2013 began to serve in the existing on the basis of tourist facilities"Central axis"Regional tourism resources integration and promotion,Formation of qianmen street culture traditional business district/Traditional emperor culture tourist area/The traditional imperial city life experience of three plates,And will further improve the tourism traffic in the area/The environment/Have a rest/Consulting and other tourism public service system.Beijing central axis,South the YongDingMen,To the north after ZhengYangMen in turn/Daming door(Qing qing said,The republic of China says ZhongHuaMen,After been demolished)/The tiananmen square/End door/Meridian gate/The gate/The hall of supreme harmony/Zhonghe palace/Baohe Palace/Gate of heavenly purity/Palace of heavenly purity/Palace of earthly tranquility/Creature door/The north door(After been demolished)/Jingshan high Wan Chunting/Life of the emperor temple/To door(After been demolished)/The drum tower,Finally reach the clock tower,Total length of 7.8 km.The central axis series the quad cities,The outer urban/The inner city/Imperial palace and the Forbidden City.Beijing to the central axis as the center,To form the"What is symmetrical"The chessboard pattern.The xinhua news agency reporters li xin


    3月11日,中外游客从景山公园山顶眺望故宫全景。新华社记者 李欣 摄     On March 11,,Tourists from jingshan park to the top of the hill overlooking the palace view.The xinhua news agency reporters li xin


    3月11日,游客在北京景山公园游览。新华社记者 李欣 摄     On March 11,,Tourists visit jingshan park in Beijing.The xinhua news agency reporters li xin


    3月11日,游客在北京前门的小吃街购买老北京糖葫芦。新华社记者 李欣 摄     On March 11,,The front door of the tourists in Beijing snack street to buy old Beijing sugar-coated berry.The xinhua news agency reporters li xin


    3月11日,两位国外的游客在参观修复后的前门历史文化街。新华社记者 李欣 摄     On March 11,,Two foreign tourists during a visit to the front door of the historical culture street after repair.The xinhua news agency reporters li xin


    从景山公园山顶眺望北京中轴线北部的鼓楼大街(3月11日摄)。新华社记者 李欣 摄     From jingshan park to the top of the hill overlooking central axis gulou dajie in the north of Beijing(March 11 is taken).The xinhua news agency reporters li xin
