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    4月30日,在四川省芦山县街头,一名男子理发后向“无声理发师”(左)鞠躬致谢。     On April 30,,Forth county of sichuan province in the streets,A man after a haircut"Silent the barber"(The left)bowed.

    “我的世界是无声的,但也同样精彩。我有眼可以看,有手可以做,有脚可以走,谢谢大家的信任,让我也来出份力。”在芦山县街头的聋哑理发师给记者写下了这段话。他来自江苏昆山,不愿透露自己的名字,自称“无声理发师”。     "My world is silent,But also wonderful.I have eyes I can see,Have a hand can do,Can walk with feet,Thank you for your trust,Let me come out."In the forth county in the streets of deaf barber gave reporters wrote this passage.He is from kunshan in jiangsu province,Don't want to disclose her name,Claim to"Silent the barber".

    芦山地震发生后,他心系灾区,寝食难安,4月23日带上理发工具和简单的行李,买了一张前往成都的火车票,赶赴灾区。     Forth after the earthquake,His heart is in the disaster areas,losing,On April 23, take a haircut tools and simple luggage,To buy a train ticket to chengdu,Rushed to the disaster area.

    地震后芦山县城的理发店大多停止营业,前来找“无声理发师”理发的人们络绎不绝,只有在深夜柴油发电机停工后,“无声理发师”才能休息,他平均每天为上百位灾区群众理发。     Forth county most of barber shops are closed after the earthquake,Come to find"Silent the barber"Barber's people in an endless stream,Only in the middle of the night diesel generator after shutdown,"Silent the barber"Can rest,He every day on average for hundreds of hair in the quake-hit areas.

    “无声理发师”幼时不幸因药物中毒而致聋。因此,他求职时四处碰壁。后来经人介绍,他开始跟本地的一位老师傅学习理发。     "Silent the barber"Unfortunately at a young age because of drug poisoning cause deafness.so,He job searching going anywhere.By people later,He began to learn from a return of the local barber.

    听不到师傅的讲解,也听不到客户提出的要求,学艺过程中,他遇到了重重困难。听不到师傅的讲解,他就在师傅给客人理发时默默地观察。为了练手腕的力量和灵活性,他在香炉里点上一炷香,扎马步悬空直至香燃完;一有空,他就在模特头上练习剪法,手上都磨出了泡。就这样,一学就是三年多。     Can't hear the teacher's explanation,Customer request is not heard,In the process of training,He met with many difficulties.Can't hear the teacher's explanation,He silently watch when the teacher give guests a haircut.In order to practice the wrist strength and flexibility,He point a wick sweet in the incense burner,He lunges are suspended until fragrant burnt out;A free,He in the practice model head hair cut,Hand grinding out of the bubble.In this way,A science is more than three years.

    “无声理发师”于2001年开了一家理发店,通过与客人纸笔交流,开始自食其力的创业之路。     "Silent the barber"In 2001, opened a shop,Through the communication with guest paper and pencil,To start own business.

    他告诉记者,自己能有今天,离不开大家的帮助,在兼顾事业的同时也要努力回报社会,这次参与到灾区的志愿服务,也是抱着一颗感恩的心。新华社记者 金良快 摄     He told the reporters,You can have today,Without your help,In both career and at the same time to repay society,This time to participate in the disaster area of volunteer service,Also hold a grateful heart.The xinhua news agency记者 金良快 摄


    4月30日,在四川省芦山县街头,“无声理发师”在给人理发。新华社记者 金良快 摄     On April 30,,Forth county of sichuan province in the streets,"Silent the barber"In the give person hair cut.The xinhua news agency记者 金良快 摄


    4月30日,在四川省芦山县街头,“无声理发师”结束一天工作后抖去身上的碎头发。新华社记者 金良快 摄     On April 30,,Forth county of sichuan province in the streets,"Silent the barber"After a day's work went on pieces of hair.The xinhua news agency记者 金良快 摄


    4月30日,在四川省芦山县街头,“无声理发师”用纸笔与人们交流。新华社记者 金良快 摄     On April 30,,Forth county of sichuan province in the streets,"Silent the barber"Paper and pencil to communicate with people.The xinhua news agency记者 金良快 摄


    4月30日,在四川省芦山县街头,结束一天的工作后,“无声理发师”坐在帐篷内休息。新华社记者 金良快 摄     On April 30,,Forth county of sichuan province in the streets,After a day's work,"Silent the barber"Sat in the tent to rest.The xinhua news agency记者 金良快 摄


    4月30日,在四川省芦山县街头,“无声理发师”(左)用纸笔与一名前来采访的记者交流。新华社记者 金良快 摄     On April 30,,Forth county of sichuan province in the streets,"Silent the barber"(The left)Paper and pencil with a journalist come to interview.The xinhua news agency记者 金良快 摄
