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罗慧娟追思会旧爱周星驰缺席 群星送别纷纷飙泪--亲稳网络舆情监测室

  中新网7月13日电 香港艺人罗慧娟(娟妹)因胰脏癌离世,追思会于昨天(12日)在香港铜锣湾湾景楼礼堂举行,她的丈夫及继子一早到达礼堂打点,生前好友纷纷前来送别好友。但旧爱周星驰却不见踪影。

Beijing, July 13 (Reuters) LuoHuiJuan Hong Kong artist(Juan sister)For pancreatic cancer from the world,Memorial yesterday in(12)In the bay view, causeway bay, Hong Kong was held on the floor,Her husband and stepson arrived early in the morning the rbi,Good friends are good friends before to farewell。But the old love chow have gone missing。


According to Taiwan“Today's news”news,Memorial hall filled up with younger sister friends inside and outside Juan sent flowers brand,Including LiuQingYun and wife guo ailing Ming、CengHuaQian、LinBaoYi、Ma, etc。Church decorating simple,Door of a younger sister photos Juan,The pictures show the see her happy smile,Let people don't give。


And she was ZhangWeiJian friends、LiangXiaoBing、ZhangChongJi、ZhangChongDe couple、JiaSiLe、ChenFaRong、Sheren tang、LuoLin、HuangZhiXian、LiZhuoTing also in succession to farewell good friends。Before the start of paid half an hour,More police officers to block up outside the hall of the area,Avoid the accident。


Good sisters sheren tang also said although myself to take sport,But a time would fly to visit Singapore Juan younger sister,She also exclamation“Life is change”,Admire Juan sister by faith the courage of fear death。As for a magazine said,Juan sister will precious jewelry giving good sisters,Sheren tang clarified Juan younger sister had asked what they want,But the report is false,Juan younger sister and no will of jewelry to their precious,Actress CaiShaoFen also deny the reports。


At about half past six,Wearing clothes melanin、Wear sunglasses sammi cheng(sammi)Also to hold the good friends,Be surrounded by reporters outside the door。A reporter asked her whether mood has prostrated themselves,sammi no response,Just keep low head into the hall。Remembering to end at 10 PM,LuoHuiJuan husband LiuZhiMin and family in the hall door farewell relatives and friends,Friends and family one by one to come forward to visit。
